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  • I'g going this spring. And here be cheesecakelover, thought she is not very active.
    My best friend for effing life, Lezlie/Leslie, who's cheesecakelover to you. And me and Dar, but I don't know why she chose Paris.
    O yesh, dat be worse. I told cheesecaklover and she was like, "NYUU I MUST BUY YOU BOTH PLANE TICKETS TO PARIS."
    *too young to die*
    *will not abandon TCoD*
    *or Dar*

    But I won't see him again until Monday, so if I make it now, it'll get soggy and stuff.
    I see.

    My friend, his birthday is today! And he's obsessed with waffles, so I told him I'd bring him a waffle sammich on Monday. Or I'd draw him a waffle sammich if I didn't have time to make one.
    What do you mean, "til midnight"? Like you have to work until midnight or you have to turn it in at midnight?
    I'm not sure yet. It'll probably something about endangered animals. Help me research :D?
    Is he older? I suppose if he's older, people figure he has more to spend it on? I dunno. I get small amounts of money on my birthday, but not usually on Christmas. However, this year I'm asking for donations to a charity (I haven't picked one yet) and my mom promised to match the donations. (I came up with the charity idea before she told me she'd match it, mind you.
    *sympathetic look*
    But I'm sure you has money-giving traditions that I'm not aware of?
    It's traditional for all the adults to give the kiddies money on the Lunar New Year, especially when it's their year. So this year, I got lots, because it was my year, the Year of the Rabbit.
    No, my aunt is on my dad's side, and my grandma is on my Mom's. And that's a great aunt, anyways, so.
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