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  • Yay! Now we are the Cutie Mark Crusaders! So let's put the pic you made in all three of our sigs. And under the pic, we put all three of our usernames (Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Applebloom) as links to our profiles (Not the part of the profile you edit, the part where you send Visitor messages, or VMs). So, the Scootaloo name would link to your profile, while the Sweetie Belle would link to mine. See what I mean?

    Wait, we're doing all of this the first day you join...xD!
    How is she confused on how to join? You just click the register button and follow the steps. :P

    If you want to draw Pegasi wings, just look at wings like Derpy's and Rainbow Dash's while your drawing. It helps to look at the thing you want to draw while drawing. :)
    That'd be awesome! And the three of us can out the pic in our sig, saying that we're the Cutie Mark Crusaders! It'll be awesome!

    Anyway, I'm somewhat good at drawing ponies. I can draw the body, but the mane and tail is what makes it bad, ^.^". I can draw then better in real life. You're better at drawing them than me though, :P
    That is awesome! You are awesome at drawing ponies. That only pony I can draw is Rainbow Dash.

    I got an idea! When there's someone with the username AppleBloom, we could all put it in our signatures, so we'd be the Cutie Mark Crusaders!...Is that a good idea?
    That is awesome! You are awesome at drawing ponies. That only pony I can draw is Rainbow Dash.

    I got an idea! When there's someone with the username AppleBloom, we could all put it in our signatures, so we'd be the Cutie Mark Crusaders!...Is that a good idea?
    ..I just wanted to say hi, you sound cool, blah, blah, Raindow Dash is the best pony ever, blah balh...
    Already did! I requested a picture of the Cutie Mark Crusaders together! Maybe if there's an Applebloom, we can be the actual Cutie Mark Crusaders! :D
    You're twelve? So am I! You're the second person I've met who's a twelve year old girl that likes MLP FiM. :D
    You know, when I changed my username only a few days ago, I wanted on of the CMC, and after picking Sweetie Belle, I wanted Scootaloo, but now it's taken, xD! Oh well. All we need is an Applebloom and we'll be ready to crusade!

    /)*(\ Brohoof
    You know, when I changed my username only a few days ago, I wanted on of the CMC, and after picking Sweetie Belle, I wanted Scootaloo, but now it's taken, xD! Oh well. All we need is an Applebloom and we'll be ready to crusade!

    /)*(\ Brohoof
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