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  • Meh, don't worry, I'm sure she's alright. I'm still gonna send her an e-mail though, not because I miss her but she wanted to learn how to play the piano and I just so happen to know how. Unfortunately, I don't know what I should start with...

    And no you didn't. *Is jealous*
    I'm equally overly concerned for the both of them, whether they like it or not. That's really nice of you to transfer their illness to you. :3

    And speaking of Notory, any ideas what she might be doing?
    As I thought. It's just your average, "I hate parents/people/school" type of thing. But that's a part of life I guess; "You can't live with it, you can't live without it".
    ...On second thought, you got a point. (But still, I mostly wanna regress back into a child to do the things I missed out on; I'm not ready for the grown-up world yet).

    What's there to hate? If it's too personal, I'll back off.
    With that many siblings, I can understand why. -_-;;

    Heh, I just realized that the people I talk to daily- and by daily I mean practically everyday- on here are all younger than me! *Sighs* I wanna regress back into a child and live out the joys of youth... like Conan (sorta).
    7 siblings!? *Head explodes* I've never seen that many before in my life! (Except in The Simpsons in which Apu has octupulets(?) but that's a cartoon).
    So let me get this straight:

    You're the youngest, then comes your brother, then sister, right?
    Uh, somehow I understand it but not understand it at the same time. O.o
    Not of music!

    It's like... imagine a Victorian-esque world with our technological advances - using old-school technology. Thus, steam! Steampunk! The Wikipedia article explains it better.
    It's awesome.
    ...Oh wait, you're serious about the wall?

    I miss that show. I keep missing it when it airs.
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