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  • Mainly the way you said it.

    I mean come on. "OOOOOOOOOOOOH YOU'RE DYING?"

    What kind of guy SAYS that? Stop reminding her; she ALREADY KNOWS.

    And you're kinda being a jerk about it. Hell, I'M slowly losing control of my body and there's a 60% of me being a fucken vegtable, you don't hear ME reminding people how bad they have it.

    And that, in all instance, IS what you're doing.



    THIS IS WHAT I MEANT do you even listen to yourself sometimes >:(
    I caught a cold and had to go to the hospital. Chemo destroys your immune system you know..
    But I'm okay now. The doctors were able to kill it~
    Because I don't have a lot of time with the internet right now, I'm usually busy when I'm on the forums, sorry.
    Ahh, I see. :3
    So anyway, I'm really nervous about the whole high school application thing..
    What about you?
    Yup. (:
    So you must be smart to skip a grade.. what was your 4th marking period average? :D
    Mine was a 95.
    Meh. =P

    Anyway, I'll be logging out now; I'm using my cousin's laptop to be on here. I'll be back but on my laptop instead.
    Oh my god... I hope she's okay... I feel so bad. x.x

    Back on topic, because I don't like talking about sad things:
    That's really immature for them to laugh at you. D:
    What grade are you going into, by the way?
    Meh, I'm not worried about Nottie; I have complete faith in her. I'll bet you a virtual ten yen coin that she didn't get caught on here, but something came up.
    Nope, I wouldn't say so.
    A lot of my friends know I play it, and they don't mind. :3
    What about you?

    On an unrelated note.. with all of this Notory being missing stuff.. I think I remember hearinf she has a healh condition. Is that true? D:
    Oh, sorry. False accusation then. =P Only Notory knows of what I'm going through, so I thought... yeah...

    What are you e-mailing her then?
    Look, this is something I have to tell you, not her, but not yet. Give it a bit more time and then I'll tell you (by e-mail of course).
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