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  • I promised Typh that I wouldn't convo-stalk any of her conversations, so I'll need her permission to convo-stalk the both of you. (But I'm going to leave her alone for a while; she made me realize how annoying I can get when it comes to chatting).

    Anyway, what happened?
    Got one :o

    Anyways, I should log off so I can actually get these reffings done >_>

    Bah, I'll do it later.
    Or or or I could get another and alternate between the two :o

    Searching for one to download righ' now~
    Died..? If it makes you happier, I'll get a die roller that probably won't hate you. :<
    :/ Yeah, but I went to overnight camp for a week, so that doesn't count for anything. >_<
    Aaaand I looked into your match and the DQ time is too short :o

    I can barely do three days now, so :<

    Uh. I have no more time for any more reffings, but if any of my battles end prematurely, or if I finish MY INCREDIBLY IMPORTANT THINGS I must do, then I'll look into it.

    I mean really I ref for a week and get $60
    Well, that happened to me before, so I think I know how to see them. Excuse the spam post that'll appear for a few minutes *runs off*
    If you mean the ASB match, I can't see your posts if you did post, and it says Darksong did but I can't see it. Sooo could you quote them for me >_>;;
    There we are.
    We will do what you and Darksong did and overwhelm Empoleon with reffings~
    My turn: what? :S
    Did you happen to read the visitor message I left Nottie?
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