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  • Why does ur dad not want you to play pokemon? Its not just for 6 year olds. Theres ADULTS that like pokemon! (lol I hope convo stalking isn't a bad thing)
    And he has a point. Life is unfair. Savor the moment in your own world and make the most out of it because once you have a taste of the real world, you'll have to put in a lot of effort and make many sacrifices to regain that happiness you once had as a child.

    According to my mom, she says that all fathers want their son to be a man.
    I think that's the case going on with you father.
    No, they're alright with me liking it. They just have this habit of commenting on it and it freakin' annoys me. -.-;;
    ...talk to you about what? If you don't have anything to say, why do you want to talk to me?
    Well, so long as you two are in good terms when you both talk again it's alright.

    I don't even know what 'bastard' means. But I do know what the F-word and fag mean though, history wise.
    Well, try seeing the world from her point of view. If you were Typh, why would she call you a bastard? I suggest you look over your conversation with her from the very beginning (if memory serves, you began speaking with Typh because you convo-stalked both of our conversation).

    Typh finds me annoying because, to her, I come off kinda stalker-ish while joking about it and it disturbs her at times (not to mention that I keep bugging her every time I notice she's online, which I'm pretty sure annoys her as well. -.-;;). So, to make it up to her, I decided to give her some privacy and avoid communicating with her for a while, and thus I'll be chatting with her less and less then.

    Speaking of making up, I hope the same goes for the two of you some time later.
    I'm pretty sure Typh won't be happy to see this either if she ever finds your message. -_-;;

    Look, you're dealing with one of Nottie's best friends on here. Be weary of what you say to Nottie because Typh is also concerned for her (and she's right, Nottie is currently bald).

    I also remember that message you posted in Nottie's profile, and to quote Typh: "What kind of guy SAYS that?" Seriously, Scy, that was totally uncalled for; never, EVER post something like that. How would you feel if you also had cancer and somebody joked that you were dying? Or if you were reminded of your condition in a jokingly manner? Nobody likes to hear that. :< Typh had the right to call you a bastard for such a situation.

    In short, think of what you're gonna say before you post, and then look it over.

    So... the two of you are never gonna speak to each other again?

    (EDIT: By the way, I gotta eat lunch now)
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