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  • ...meet? I've never met Tailsy. o.O She just registered at the original forums in 2003 as HellFlameVulpix and has pretty much been around since.

    And you're still talking to me just for the sake of talking to me. :/
    ...what am I supposed to respond with? You're trying to talk to me just for the sake of talking to me and keep prompting me to say something even when I have absolutely nothing of interest to say. Conversation cannot possibly be enjoyable if it is forced.
    College is the proper spelling, silly. =P And why college? Why not at an amusement park where our families just so happen by coincidence to take us during our vacations?
    "...he should really know that I'm the last person to ask to explain how supposedly awesome it is, since I have no idea how people get that impression. It's more or less awful from start to finish, slightly less so in the later chapters but it still has two fake legendaries called Molzapart and Rainteicune that I made up when I was eleven and thought mixing Pokémon together was cool. You can read it anyway if you want to try to find out what people see in it."- Butterfree
    There you have it.
    Uh... the way you wrote that sentence up sort of creeps me out. O.o

    "[...] Notory is in collage at."?
    I'm sure the three of us will meet one day. I'm positive. :D
    But where would we meet?
    Eww. I hate nuts and whoever had the idea of putting chocolate on unsweetened bread needs to have their head examined. It tastes awful.
    Heh, true. And, hey, I might even get a girlfriend. ^^
    But... *Sighs*... Nottie's the person I want- n-not that I'm saying I have feelings for her. I just wanna be able to meet somebody like Nottie but is different, too, you know what I mean?
    Thanks for the support Scy. I think I'll do alright; I always somehow manage to pull through in the end.
    Yes; I'm now beginning to see the reality that is life as I enter college... and I don't want to admit it but I'm scared. I'm not ready to see the real world. T.T
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