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  • You sure that's right? I tried entering it but it said it was incorrect.
    I have enough time to play a few matches but that's about it. =P
    Be aware that I don't own a Wii; I'm using my cousin's.
    Also, now is not a good time to ask for the FC but if you must: 3093-6752-5206. This is because I'm going home today, where I'm Wii-less and have no Wi-Fi either. ;~;
    In short, yes.
    But I believe its what you type up and how you word it though; sometimes you get emotional, sometimes you're being a jerk (no offense), sometimes you're being persistent... it's like you have a split personality! O.o
    No. What I mean to say is I don't know how to describe your appearance. =P

    And I guess I'm just too trusting in people, which may bring about my downfall. However, listen. I do trust you, but I do have my doubts as well. As Nottie put it, there is something always off with you but we can't explain it. It's just... there.

    And don't think you're the only person I have doubts about. Nottie, for example, I sometimes think she is creeped out by me because of what I post in her profile despite what she types down on mine to reassure me; Typh, I believe she hates me with a passion; Zoltea, I think he's starting to think differently of me (but he's never on MSN anymore, so I'm not sure. :( ); Mike, I have a feeling he gets bored when I speak with him; Poke, the same doubt as with Mike; BlazieAura (somebody I met at FF.net and she occasionally logs on here), I find that she's not too interested in the conversations I bring up; Minkow, same as with BlazieAura... and so on and so forth.

    Overall, I do trust you. In fact, you and Nottie are the only ones I trust the most here, Nottie being first and you in second place.
    It's not really to do with you as a person and more that at the moment you're trying too hard. You're being like every other random kid who sends me a PM somewhere to ask "Will you be my friend?" It's not that I don't want to talk to you; it's that you asking me whatever meaningless questions come to the top of your head just for the sake of keeping the conversation going does not constitute real conversation. If you genuinely want to talk to me about something, I'm all for it, but right now I have this image in my head of you stopping me on the street asking questions to delay me while your friend stands behind a tree snapping photos so that you can go to parties and tell everybody "LOOK! I TALKED TO BUTTERFREE!"

    If you genuinely enjoy talking to me because you actually think I'm interesting, you should be asking me about something I have an actual opinion on and actually making relevant replies. But these rapid-fire questions that immediately move on to the next completely unrelated one make it all seem more like you enjoy talking to me just because it's me, a sort of an "Ooh, the owner of the site wasted her time typing up a message to ME!" thing, and I really have better things to do than waste my time typing words when you couldn't care less what I'm actually saying. :/

    I guess what I'm saying is, if you're going to ask me questions, ask me something you actually care about. It is obvious you don't actually care what I think of Nutella or how I met Tailsy; you're just trying to get me to say something to you as if you get paid for every word you drag out of me.
    You know, why didn't I think of that?
    Heh, I guess I'm too trusting of others. =P
    Pedophile is the proper spelling.
    And listen, you're only twelve. I've seen the photo you've sent me and you definitely look young. It's me she has to worry about...
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