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  • But I waaaaant to possibly join :< Just saying I might not, what with all my reffings.

    It's a bit too similar to As Darkness Falls imo, but that might be just 'cause I joined it first. Uh.. nothing else strikes me, except that you should've held off making it until As Darkness Falls died. Like all RPs will, sooner or later.

    Usually, you can take the idea for a plot off of an old RP (old being at least four months) and no one will notice. Hopefully. *shifty eyes*
    Yep, been there~ I don't join all RPs, however, and the ones I do, I fill out forms slllloooowwwwlllly. You'll hopefully get a few people before getting my form.
    Random post.

    Say, DGF, are you or your friends in need of rare pokes?

    Lol, that question is quite lame.
    But, say if you need a 3/4 gen. starter or an eeveelution.
    RPing is just like writing a story, 'cept you only control your character(s). The maker of the RP would control the plot, and well, most things. :3 I see you're looking at As Darkness Falls as I write this, so. I'd suggest joining Rift in the Dimensions, there's a sign up thread in the Role Playing lounge, but it'll be inactive for a bit while everyone gets back from vacation~
    Well, it might be because I RP a lot *shamelessplug* but you never know. I've noticed the quality of my writing go vrrrrrmuppp from when I joined, for sure. :3 All/most of my friends are from the Games board, somehow. Only place I ever am~
    Thank you, and well. Uh, I don't know where it comes from, it's like asking someone why they write with their left hand *cough me* or right hand. It's a gift~ :D

    And so many more people are better than me, if you can find the rare epic stories on FF.net. About 15% is good, the rest is /sex. :P Not really sure how many of the authors of the good stories are my age, however.. *ego +5*
    :3 Thank you?~ Uh, you might not be so thankful in the next little while, what with my procrastination and uh.. well.


    But actually, I look around at some older reffings to see how 'par' I am, and I guess I'm pretty happy with my work, even the lazy ass stuff~ *runs off to go post reffing*
    Yeah, but I was still able to beat you, while holding back, using Jigglypuff.
    It's not in the character, but how you use it. This is also going along with the fact that I had no idea how to fight with over half the characters I used. XD
    Actualy I was moreso warming up those first few rounds while holding back.
    Seriously, playing badly is harder than it seems. XD
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