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  • You also played The World Ends With You? Or did you just copy the quote from me?
    The quote? Or the "there's a lot more to my problems than meets the eye" phrase?
    ...Thanks. Just so you know, there's a lot more to my problems than meet the eyes.

    "Everyone has their own little internal world--a secret garden only they can enter. Each world follows its own internal logic--individuality. And the logic of one world means nothing in another. ...Understanding other people isn’t hard, Neku. It’s impossible." -Joshua from the DS game The World Ends With You.
    ...Nottie knows of the situation I'm going through... I'll tell you someday...
    HER! How many times must I correct you!?

    Valid, huh? ....Heh.... It's just like me to never have a valid reason to be depressed. I'm too greedy for my own good. I seriously gotta change that.

    P.S. What do you mean?
    Stop beating myself up? I know I should. But I'm depressed right now. The fact that Typh doesn't like talking to me pains me more than you think. Remember my fear of rejection?

    AND IT'S BECAUSE I HAVE TO HAVE VERY LOUD CONVERSATIONS. Not really I just use the Caps key too much for my own good.

    And because I actually talk to you, see! o: I only reject requests of people I haven't really spoken to.
    I guess that was my downfall from the start. I mean, I started speaking with Typh while I was still convo-stalking her and Notory.

    Truth be told, the only reason I convo-stalked the two was because it was my approach at contacting Typh. What a stupid method of meeting new friends now that I think about it. *Sighs* I'm such an idiot...

    and darnit why doesn't anyone know about the awesome of steampunk ;__;
    Like I said before, I've been convo-stalking less and less; it's starting to get boring now. =P And Typh did say I come off as stalker-ish to her. *Smacks palm* Okay, from this day forward, I shall stop convo-stalking my friends. *Goes to edit profile*

    And for the last time: TYPH IS A FEMALE!

    What are your feelings on steampunk?
    It's official, Typh doesn't like talking to me. And don't you dare interfere in this affair like you did last time. XP
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