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  • It wouldn't be a private message if I told you what I PM'd, now would it?

    ...I've never had chicken broth... I think...
    You should be very proud to have coded that website all by yourself. ^w^ But it could use some sprucing up you know. Good attmept though. =)
    I tried creating a website one time for a sprite comic of mine, but I never knew how to upload the comics. XD And because my old computer broke down, my sprite comics are forever gone.
    Firstly, I was feeling depressed since yesterday! =P Your more or less constructive review was what I needed for my story and I really appreciate it. =) So thank you.

    And secondly, why would I open a website?
    Meh, whatever. =P I'm not aiming to be writer anyway; this is just a hobby (but I do want to improve so that when I read it over, I want to be like, "Whoa, did I write that?" XD).

    "I write not because I want to get reviews or become the best author on the site. I write because I want to see my creation come to life, to become a part of a community, and I hope that people will enjoy reading what I create." This is what I wrote in my profile at Fanfiction.net. I think it's self-explanatory.
    Well, I'm gonna be honest with you, Skroy. If you want to get good reviews, go to Serebii. I (after much consideration) put mine up there, and I got many, many helpful reviews. Just pray that you don't get Yami Ryu.
    First off, it's not a Rocket Grunt. The story takes place in a region I completely made up, so the main antagonists are completely original.

    Yeah, I should probably rephrase 'three hit combo'. It's just that I see that story more as a video game than a written piece of work. (In fact, my original intention for my story was to be for a video game. =P)

    Read on, you'll learn more about the trainer's and Sprik's training session.

    That's just you; this is the character speaking. He's concerned for the Eevee's safety after all.

    Suspense is not my forte. But who knows? Only time will tell if he lives or not... or something else occurs...

    Thank you for the review, Scy! ^w^ My writing skills are not great but at least I'm doing the very best I possibly can. Hopefully I'll improve.
    Not really. It's been like that for as long as I can remember, so it doesn't bother me much.
    Divorce is usually a touchy topic amongst families, even to the kid (but this is based on my observation that some of my friends who I know have parents who are divorce).
    No, he's just joking (but he still scares me with that act of his).
    This may not be nice of me to ask but... are your parents divorce?
    Meh, what can you do except call for help?
    Self-defense and martial arts lesson sound like a good idea to avoid those events...
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