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  • Honestly, Scy, no. I just prefer to be spoken to first since I have difficulty starting conversations.
    Now what's with you all of a sudden?
    Hey, don't say that; that's my line! XD
    The simple answer: no. I love to chat with people. ^ω^
    Whoa, I wouldn't do that to a friend. =P

    *Checks e-mail* ....A picture. That's all.
    ...Okay, my name starts with a J and yet why is Ryan a nickname of mine? I look nothing like a Ryan.
    It is such an uncommon name! =P It's so uncommon, I don't think you'd get results from Google (okay, you would but that's not the point).
    Hah, you'll never be able to guess my first name!
    If you ever do somehow manage to figure out my first name...... Σ(゚Д゚)
    ┐('~`;)┌ (Actually, I do know but I'm not telling you that)

    Just ask her, Isa- *shot*
    Meh, maybe or maybe not. Depends if I feel like telling people to read my fic. =P Besides, I would prefer for them to read them on their on volition.
    Actually, I don't know who wrote it but I have a feeling I know who did.... and he resides in Fanfiction.net. O.o

    No. I wouldn't ask somebody to review because I want them to; that would just make me seem greedy. I would ask them to read it but not review it; that's their choice to make.

    By the way, I never asked you but would you like to submit an OC? (This is something I'm willing to ask people, and besides, I need characters for my fic).
    I've read it before on another site. And the funny thing is, I have a feeling I know who wrote that. O.o
    Oh, chicken soup. And no, I never drank it straight so I wouldn't know. =P

    What part of private don't you get?
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