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  • That's an old episode.

    Annnd after a ketamine treatment, he gets to walk nomally again-and then it stops working and he has to rely on the cane agan ;-;
    If extraterrestrial life were to be discovered, I would be like this guy. It would also bring my hopes up because then there might be a possibility of other worlds like the Pokémon world to exist. =D

    Anyway, I gotta log out. Got other stuff to do. See ya later, Scy. ;D
    *Sighs* I wanna go to Florida someday. Then again, there are a lot of places that I would like to visit, such as Japan, England, Italy, Greece, etc.

    ...Do you believe that there are other worlds out there in space like ours but... different?
    Getting some clothes ready for when I sleep over at my grandmother's tonight (I might or might not sleep over but who knows?). My parents are also asking me to do various quick chores as well, so... yeah...
    Well, in a few months I'll be 18 and be considered a pedophile. O_O Wait, that doesn't sound right... but you know what I mean, right?

    ...When I read the first sentence, it just felt awkward for some reason. And yeah, too bad we can't go see her. But it's completely justifiable as to why she would want us to stay away from her. (But I really do wanna meet her because 1) I prefer to have an eye-to-eye conversation with my friends; and 2) she has BLUE HAIR! I gotta see it!).

    On second thought, Scy, I'll read your fanfic later; too many distractions right now. But at least I have enough time to respond to you.
    To me, age doesn't matter when it comes to dating (then again, I could be considered a pedophile due to our age difference, so I guess that's the only exception). Besides, why would I crush on an eleven year old?
    Okay, so I look totally different than what you expected. Big whoop; it's normal. I got to see Mike's real face and I was surprised by it.
    I don't go to the Serebii forums; after all, this is my first forum. :P Maybe I'll check those forums someday...

    Speaking of convo-stalkers, I was referring to all the people I believe who normally convo-stalk me: you, Zoltea and Pokemonaholic (I was not expecting Nottie to do so. O_o).

    ...Still reading your fanfic. Just so you know, I'm a slow reader and plus there are too many distractions in RL.
    *Le GASP* You wrote a fanfic? *Goes off to read*

    By the way, her shop is open.
    Hmm. That was kinda surprising.

    Acctualy, I cant take part in ASB becuase I dont have an idea how to use that stupid link stuff. Yes, I dont have a clue how to use them...
    And acctualy, I hoped to be a ref myself.

    Anyway nice to read you!
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