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  • Correction, I'm 17 turning 18 next year. =P

    I don't have a wireless router at home. However, there are other routers that I could hook up to (my neighbors) but they're all secured! Then again, I did get new neighbors... hmm...
    And since I'm at my grandmother house, I could always go visit my cousins; they happen to have a wireless router. But first I need the WEP key and change their security, which I doubt they'll let me. >.>
    Oh, I'm allowed on these forums; making friends on these forums is what they don't want and if they ever learn about that, it's game over for me on TCoD (and they want me to make friends. -_-;;; Hypocrites... but I understand why they would think so).
    I also don't want anybody else to know I go here, too, because of the comments I might get (but as of yet, I've been more open and the others have been more accepting of what I like).
    Once I get home from my grandmother's house. That way, the connection won't be so choppy and the chance of my parents or any family member catching me on the forums is very low.
    Harassers. =P
    And besides, chapter 1-2 is such a pain to edit right now. -_- Too many areas I have to edit...
    Um... I still have to type up chapter 1-4... which I was supposed to type up three months ago...
    Then you're gonna have to come up with a really, really good story for that to come true.
    Why am I not surprised? -_-
    Oh yeah, it's the most reviewed Pokemon fanfic on the site with over 3,000 reviews, 105 chapters as of present, a protagonist who curses constantly and the introduction of the New Chu Order. (Though I honestly believe he should up his story to be rated M instead of T).
    By the way, that fanfic is within the manga-verse.
    If there's a prologue, then it must be necessary. Prologues tell us a bit of the story's history. In fact, the first chapter of my fic was more of a prologue than a first chapter if I say so myself.
    It depends on how it is written. If there is too much detail, I'll be driven away from it. I prefer to read crudely written fics, such as this really long fic. The plot and character presentation is great! Use of grammar, however... um, could somebody get me a doctor? (But it can't be helped, 'cause that author has dysgraphia).
    I've yet to replace the chapter there. And I edited the chapter a bit first before I posted it here, though.
    Figures. Besides, I'm still trying to fix the first chapter so it doesn't sound uninteresting.
    Well, just don't force her to review it if she doesn't want to. I wouldn't like it if I knew that were the case.
    The repetitive-ness of it: Ash taking on gym battles and the Pokemon League; Brock's futile attempts at dating (though, they're still funny I find); the heroes always help people who have problems (though it wouldn't be much of a show if it didn't include that); and a few more which I can't recall at the moment.
    *Sighs* I'll sign up for an ASB account later. And by later, I mean when I leave my grandmother's house and arrive home.
    Well, it doesn't help when you keep replying, now does it?

    Anyway, allowance, explain a bit.
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