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  • O.O My shipping senses are tingling... but ignore that. :P

    Why do you say being a girl is easier?
    This is completely random but have you ever wondered what it would be like to be the opposite gender?
    No, she hung up before I had a chance to tell her. >.>

    Okay, first, check if the author is a beta-reader, read their beta-reader profile and then send him/her a PM asking for your story to be beta'd. That's all there is to it.
    Hooray for you! ^.^ I can't ask sign up for ASB just yet; apparently my aunt has been getting me job applications from various places and filling them up without consulting me first! >.>
    I know she means well, but where I want to work and the information I write down is something I have to decide for myself, not her.
    Thanks for the offer, Scy, but I already got a sister who's helping me (sorta). And also, I have basic knowledge of the French language (I have to learn it anyway), so I already have a head start. :D

    Your beta-reader? O.o I-I'm sorry but I'll have to decline; peer editing is something I can't do. However, you can go on FF.net and ask for people to beta-read your story. I'm sure they'll oblige since it is their job to beta-read stuff.
    I can pretty much say the same for French; for instance, when describing a fight, there's no word for 'kick', 'punch', 'jab', 'headbutt', 'slam'... you use the word 'coup' (hit) and the accompanying part of the body used. But then again, French is not my forte so I'm not entirely sure if there are French words for those words (I've yet to read them in any French novels I read).
    ...Okay, I'm gonna be honest with you: I don't feel like signing up now. I'm not saying I'm not interested but I don't feel like it now.
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