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  • Same here. I don't know what I want to be but something with video games is at the top of my list.

    In fact, I want to turn "Tales of Acceptance" into a video game! ^.^
    There's a difference; it just means I'm almost an adult. And I'll have a bit more freedom than usual. =)
    And alright, you have a point. I'm working on a lot of things that requires a lot of my time.
    Anyway, this conversation is starting to make me feel uncomfortable, so... new convo please?
    ...Nottie is like a Mini-Me of myself when I think about it now. I think I can handle it. ;)
    But still... Just. In. Case. Good for you though.

    *Sighs* If only I can make it sound better though (the advice).
    ...You're twelve. This is only the beginning of your life in the real world. You have nothing to worry about except for grades at school. You have a whole life ahead of you to come up with goals and ambitions for the future. So why end it early when things can get better in the get go? Give time a chance, change the focus of the effort you're giving, take chances, and most importantly, create a dream to achieve.

    ^This is... just in case.
    All I wrote was, "Ugh, this is hard...."
    You should know what I'm referring to.
    Yes, school assignment, something I thought I would never do over the summer.
    And, again, it was a "never mind" kind of message; in other words, not important. =P
    ...I'm writing in a sorta persuasive-essay-school-assignment format if you must know...
    ...I'm that serious about it...
    Hmm, I don't know if I'm allowed to say much or not, but I'll give you this. A lot of people have different writing styles (what I did was go stalk some of the older threads) but most everyone used the nicknames of the Pokemon.

    Also, colours can be eye hurting or not in some styles. I'd recommend not using colours.

    Aaack, why ask me? I've only just become a ref a week ago~ :3
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