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  • It's gotta look like you. :<
    If you don't want to give a detailed explanation give me a simple one.

    Hair length, color, and whatever else I might need to know about it:
    Eye Color:
    Shirt type and color:
    Pants type and color:
    Shoe type and color: (Barefoot is an option)
    I've been reading ALMN since December when I had a lot more free time.
    I'll read your story when I do have the time, I promise.
    I could give you a human persona if you gave me a detailed description~
    I do everything fast. It's how I work. If I'm not going fast then I'm not comfortable. That and the things I drew were very simple. I draw Notory all the time so it's easy to draw her quickly and the cookies are just circles with stubby limbs and triangles on them. You were the hardest part because I've never drawn a scyther before. X3
    I don't pick up on details when it comes to book. That's my main problem when reading them. =P

    I'm at the current chapter, chapter 105, "The Longest Morning". His goal was to have the highest reviewed Pokémon story on FF.net but now that he has achieved that... I wonder what he's going to do with ALMN now?
    I don't read books; I don't know why but I have some sort of aversion to them. I prefer to read crudely written pieces of work, like that fanfic I provided you a link to. Speaking of which, how far are you into that fic?
    I never read the Harry Potter books and nor will I ever (uninterested). I do know the title of each book, however, but I keep forgetting the name of the last one. What was it called again? I think it had, "Hollows" in it.
    How exactly was the beginning supposed to go?
    ...Um, I never saw Up but I would like to see it someday.
    You don't know how many times my parents get up during the night to use the bathroom. -_-;;

    Anyway, congratulations! Now dance: ♪┏(・o・)┛♪┗ ( ・o・) ┓♪┏ ( ) ┛♪┗ (・o・ ) ┓♪┏(・o・)┛♪
    I was careless, okay? That's my fault. But at least my parents still don't know I go on to this forum and befriended you guys.
    Anyway, it's not that funny. =P If I get caught one more time, who knows what might happen? =S
    No, you're not being annoying.

    I must note though, that even if your parents are like that you don't have to be. My parents are Christian, but I'm not. I'm agnostic mostly because I think religeon is.. frankly dumb. Why? Because at this point it just seems like people use it as an excuse for what they do and how they are. Religeon isn't just some excuse you pull out when you need it, it's something you follw duitifuly and hold in high regard. To many people don't realize this. Going on this definition is also why I'm agnostic. By remaining mostly neutral in the religion debate, I don't really have to do anything. Of course this doesn't mean I'll go out and steal and kill and whatnot, I know those are bad things to do, but I don't have to do any of those odd religeose things I don't quite understand (An example would be Jewish people not eating pork). Maybe this excuse thing doesn't happen as often as it seems, but for the area I live in many Christians frequently eligeon as an excuse to hate things. I'm sick and tired of it.
    Meh. That's my veiw. *holds up her hate sheild*
    Sorry. It's just that homosexuality isn't exactly a choice. It's brain chemistry. You can't mess with that, it's what you're born with.

    Are your parents hardcore Christians? :>
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