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  • I will, soon. Ffff. I go around translating for people. Doc can't pay me much, I'm still a minor.

    But no, it isn;t rom lack of sleep. Something is wrong, the docotr said. We just don't know WHAT.
    And this isn't even GOING into the fact that I still have a project due....

    Yeah, that nap? It's realy, really sounding appealing.
    Allergic to ibuprofen-tak eit, and I most likely go into anyphaltic shock.

    Errggghhh. i'm gonna go crawl into a little hole and die.

    And the worst part? I'm WORKING.

    Even though we're getting layoff money, and my mom is desperately looking for a job, it isn't enough and I have to take on a job. Granyed, it doesn't pay much, and my nan's medical bills are high, and my semi-rich drunk of an uncle's too much of a bastard to help his own mother, but I still have to do it.

    I can't get sick, I just CAN'T!

    My Japanese is slightly worse than my Spanish. I can follow some things well enough to know mostly what's going on if I've got context and I can say a few useless things ("I like cats." "My hovercraft is full of eels." "Ah, I see." "What's that?" and so on) but really I'm about as good with Japanese as I need to be to play Pokemon. ... which isn't very. \o\ But I am learning! ... sort of. More of an absent-minded "whee video games" type of learning than actually trying to learn Japanese.
    I think it comes out in September? 's a DS game. September, November, something like that.
    By 'second' do you mean Chain of Memories or KHII?

    Days is the fourth KH game, taking place between when Sora goes to Hollow Bastion in KHI and the beginning of KHII. It focuses on Roxas's adventures in the Organization, which mainly consist of Roxas, Axel, and Xion (a
    that looks like Kairi) eating ice cream in between Saix pointing Roxas at things and saying "go kill that".

    Mainly it consists of going off to fight Heartless with the other Organization members (mainly Axel, Xion, Xigbar, and Xaldin; I'm probably about a third of the way through and I've been on one mission with Demyx and none with Xemnas or Luxord) and eating ice cream.

    Understandably, Organization XIII does have a moogle living in their castle that does their synthesis-related stuff. Said moogle seems to like following the local fashion, kupo.

    Mainly you're missing the joys of completely ridiculous fight sequences. There's a multiplayer mode where you can play as any of OXIII, plus Xion, Sora, Donald, Goofy, Riku, and Mickey, and of course you can change their equipment. ... as there are two sets of joke weapons, this means that you can play as Zexion and hit things with a laptop or a sandwich or as Saix and use a banana or a bunny and so on and so forth. Multiplayer mode does work with just one person, though! ... you just don't get crowns (crowns and Nobody symbols unlock freebies in the story mode. Nobody symbols are obtained by doing well in trial mode missions, which are usually things like "complete the objective as fast as possible" or "defeat Darkside without getting hit" or "break all of the jars without attacking the lesser Nobodies") if you don't beat anyone when it comes to collecting points.

    I would totally recommend buying it when it comes out in English because even though 90% of all cutscenes in this game involve ice cream, it makes sense in the overall continuity (somehow) and, more importantly, it is stupid fun. Unfortunately you can't use any of the Organization's really awesome attacks.... "Moon, shine down!" yes; "Dance, water, dance!" no. Basically if an attack is godmode then it's not in this game. :( Which is a pity because I would quite like to summon Xaldin's stupid giant dragon monster and kill things with it, dammit, not just impale them.

    Hey, I love talking to people. ANY TIME also sleep well I guess!?
    I don't know what you mean by style. O_o
    It would have to be a fox. Mostly because the word kitsune is just awesome.
    Bulbasaur hands down. Second favorite would be Mightyena
    House isn't on Fox for me... Darn timezones. :<
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