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  • Darn you for giving me such a difficult task! >=P

    ...If life were a video game, what kind of video game would you live out?
    I finally had the chance to look at my e-mail, and I gotta say, nice persona. ^.^ She did a great job with it.
    ............I seriously have no clue how to help her in that kind of situation. All I can do is support her and pray that she'll get through all of this.
    Um, sick how? She told me about a bee sting, but I don't think that's the case.
    TYPH IS A SHE!!!
    And how so miserable? (I promised not to convo-stalk her so I don't know the situation).
    I am; the point of you explaining again is so that you reply and we can keep this conversation going. =P As of recently, I've been obsessed with chatting with you, Nottie, Typh, Mike and Zolt (who is pretty hard to get a hold of now).

    Anyway, I'm neutral about the whole thing; I mean, love is love, right? I don't care if the person is gay or not, so long as they don't try to hit on me (I have a gay friend who tried hitting on me once but I declined him, which made him sad. Feeling guilty, I agreed to go on one "date" with him but that was it and we've remained friends).
    ...Doesn't matter.
    Are you, like, against same-sex couples in general or just the commitment between same-sex couples?
    FROM AN INTERVIEW WITH NOMURA ON THE SUBJECT OF KINGDOM HEARTS: "Actually, the first weapon I showed Disney was a chainsaw. It was this chainsaw-like weapon that I had a rough sketch of when I first showed my concepts to Disney. Everyone got this scrunched-up look on their face and nobody said a word in the entire room. Dead silence. And I thought 'No, I guess this wouldn't work, huh?"
    No. Most stores and buisnesses and work can't really acceppt someone that speaks minimal english like Mom, and my Nan's confined to a wheelchair half of the time and is 83. Work's out of the question.

    My fathers dead, and he never was around anyways, always in another contry taking care of my three half-sisters.

    Thus, since only three people live in this house, and every last one of my relatives are...well most of them a re drunken bastards thsat fght waaaaay too much and scare the children-who didn't do a thing, for the record-, for now the work falls on me.
    ...Why not try e-mailing me the pics instead since you got them through e-mail?
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