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  • I don't think I'll be able to right now. I have to get ready to "sleep" in a few minutes, but I'll try to sneak on my sister's computer instead when everybody in my house is asleep.
    Well, it is somebody else's computer so I understand why you wouldn't want to do that.

    Concerning ASB, I can't sign up because there are too many other things I have to do right now. There's my fanfic I have to write up; there's Nottie's secret I'm working on; in RL, and I sound like a broken record when I say this but I'm searching for a job and doing chores around the house.
    In short, there are too many distractions consuming my time!
    You... don't have to buy flash player... I think...
    You can just download it for free.... I think...
    Okay, I believe you....

    What I meant was if you wanted to know if the movie was good or not, not what happens in it. -_-;;
    And why do you cover your ears and go, "Lalalalalala" during commercials? XD Speaking of "Lalala"... you reminded me of this video. ^.^
    Um, what kind of fanfic are you going to write? Awesome Rapidash beta's Card Captor Sakura, Harvest Moon and Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch. You did read the entire beta profile, right?

    And yes, I have seen the movie but have not read the books (and probably never will =P). I liked it... and that's pretty much all I have to say.
    ...What? You want me to give you full details about it? Sorry, but I'm the wrong guy to ask.
    Crap. I could have given you it for almost any poke since I have a farm full of them...
    ...I hoped to help a friend. lol.

    And yes, I am.
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