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  • Oh, that.
    It really doesn't matter anyway. I was way of out line. Just..don't mind me. I-I'm kinda pissed off because of a certain rasicm attack on my six-year old cousin, which I probably shouldn't mention right now or else, I'll just rant...agian...

    But yeah. I have that tendency to take something that was botheringme for a liiiittle while and blow it out of proportion, thus being a pompous asshole. Sorry.
    Yes; it's from the second Mystery Dungeon special. (In my opinion, Gabite using Attract in that scene was the funniest part of the special. ^.^).

    Okay, so...?
    We were both in on this; I had to do some editing to the picture.

    By the way, how do you like my new avatar?
    What does euphoria mean? O.o I'm too lazy to check the dictionary...

    I sorta arranged it and even made Nottie the center of attention as noted by the yellow lines around her. ^.^
    I know what you did for me was of good intention but it was... um, what's the word...? Uncivilized and completely unnecessary. What happens in real life almost applies to the Internet, too.


    I'm not a ref, but I hope you get in. The reffing is really good.
    Uh, I have no clue. Perhaps... don't go overboard in serious situations?
    Well, it might be a good idea to include the orders below HP and Energy, and put gender on the same line as the name.
    Like this:
    Blahblahblah, (M/F, leave out if no gender)
    ...Learn from this experiance and don't ever do that again.
    I gotta go cool off. I'll be back later.
    Don't be so dramatic. I've told you, I don't hate you I'm just aggravated what you're doing. Now though, you seem to be showing regret. It feels a bit fishy, but I'll take it.

    I'm glad you realized that. Just because you're angry about something doesn't mean you should lash out at it. What justifys your actions shows that you ment well (Trying to help a friend), but that you handled it badly. Learn from your mistakes.

    As long as your apology is real and not for shallow gains, it's welcome.
    ...Have you ever tried to give respect to someone who just insulted one of your best friends?

    Yes. It's what I'm doing right now.

    And you don't have to do things to prove you're a good friend. The best thing you could have done was cheer up Skroy a bit and chat casualy about it, not turn it into this whole ordeal that really didn't need to happen. And if you ever do come across something big enough to cause you to do something about it, be civil and respectful. Belive me, it goes a long way. Don't just bash the other side either, try to understand their point of veiw.
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