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  • Sorta. I'm aggrivated by what you're doing, but that doesn't mean I'm mad at you as a person. Again, it's all about respect. I'm getting increasinly aggitated by the seemingly lack of respect you're giving to Typh. It angers me when you do that to her as much as it angered you when she said whatever she said to start this at Skroy.
    Once a member is banned that's that. I highly doubt they would unban somebody just because a member asked them to. <:<
    On another note, if your apology isn't sincere than don't say it at all. Expesialy don't say it if you're just doing it to get what you want. That's... That's just out of bounds. |:<
    Ah, and I would revise that him into a her. Typos like that can make people veeeery angry.. ^.^;;

    Be nice to Typh and give her the respect she deserves. |:<
    He shouldn't have made that thread. If I'm not coming back I'm obviously not going to read it or sense that it was made, thus I wont come rushing back as soon as it's posted. He should have made it a visitor message.
    Not untill you revise your message. If you do that than I'm sure she'll reply on her own.
    You have to give respect to recieve respect.
    Civil argument Scyth. The only time to use Caps lock is when you're joking. If you use it to convince somebody or argue a point you will be disrespected and ignored.
    Raising your voice will only make things worse. Unless, of course, you're joking. And if you were joking around, make that apparent with a little happy face or some other form of glee.
    It's not that big of a deal. So Typh doesn't like Skroy, as long as they stay away from eachother all is good. No matter what you do for yourself or your friends there will always be people who don't like them. Typh is just one of those people. Don't hold it against her, I'm not.
    And when I say I respect her dislike, I'm saying that I wont try and change it for my ideals.
    ....You're going overboard. -_-;;; But listen, I can't hope for everybody to like, now can I? It's impossible.
    I agree with Nottie on this, Scy. I would also like for you to fail at changing Typh's opinion. I'm a complete stranger to Typh, so what can you?
    Don't. Though I don't agree with her, Typh has the right to hold that opinion. I... Don't know why she would think that, but I respect her desicion and acknowledge that it is hers.
    Not to mention she isn't easily swayed. I'd give you a good luck, but I'd like for you to fail on this. :3
    Eh, don't completly back off. Just.. tone it down at bit. ^.^;;;
    I still wanna be your friend.. I just don't want you acting a stalker... :33
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