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  • Just so you know, the persons in my avatar are actually related to my fanfic, which I have yet to update. :P I said "persons" because those two are different character but related (and I won't spoil more from there on).
    I take it you've seen my picture, eh? That's what I look like, with a mustache. :P
    Now, what did you imagine I looked like at first? The guys on my avatar?
    If only, if only... I wish for blue hair (or at least streaks of blue on my hair). Unfortunately, my parents won't allow blue but they will allow green. (Well, not really; they just joked about it. -_-;;).
    It was an accedent. I went to a hair cut store or something and I asked them to dye my hair brown. The lady misheard me and I fell asleep. Next thing I know, BOOM BLUE HAIR.
    My parents wrere outraged, but I used my powers of persuation to calm them down. They're not 100% on the idea today, but I still have my dark aqua blue hair. X3
    You go and do that. If you decide to go to Quebec, though, learn French. :P
    Um, you are aware you posted in your profile, right?
    Speaking of rain, as of yet it has been pouring a flood here in Quebec the last few days.
    It's gentally raining here....

    I like the cold. I think I should move to Canada. You come here.
    It's peaceful here and the weather isn't too bad. During the winter season, though, it is cold as hell! (Or maybe that's just me, but it does get really cold).
    If you wish to change a convo with me, just go ahead and do it instead of asking. :P
    You know what? If they do so, I'mma gonna go get my clarinet and shove it up their-
    *We interrupt this vulgar moment to bring you an important message: birdy num-nums. That is all.*
    -'til they cry home to their mommies! :P
    "Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me" =D
    I try to follow that saying... sorta...
    True that. :P I wanted to tell my story for so long though. It feels good to let it out.
    It's somewhat embarrassing when you people convo-stalk me because they are reading what I type, but I feel flattered that somebody is willing to read what I typed. :P

    And speaking of my stories, I've learned how to get over it. Still, the feeling resurfaces every once in a while.
    Hello! ^.^

    And, no. I am Wifiless. I'm hoping that we can set something up soon, but I dunno.
    I'll get you Skroy and Zoltea if I ever do though. ^.^
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