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  • Wait, what part?The part where Hanibal escaped?
    No, I watched that too. My dad went outside on the porch while it showed so nobody shooed me out. I loved it. How ingeniouse to literaly wear the face of another person to escape. X33
    I got shooed out when the "bad guy" of the film (forgot his name) was... Well I dunno. Dad said there was some brief nudity. I'm glad I was out of the room. X3
    I GREAT.
    He shooed me out of the room for a small part, but I still got to see most of the movie. Hannible Lector is a favorite character now. X33
    If you need help, post in the Clue Game thread. I'll help you there since spoiler tags are not allowed on visitor messages.

    *Glomps Scyther* YOU'VE JUST BEEN GLOMP'D! ;3
    Well, that just sucks for the both of youse. :( Screw parental controls, you guys are trustworthy to not go to bad sites from what I've been seeing (you're 12? Seriously?).

    Well, uh, I never really thought of that. But would you mind reading at least 100 chapters of it? I might not even make it there, but just so you know it'll be a REALLY long fic. The fic is also rated T for teen.
    I draw on the computer with my tablet of wonderrrrrs.
    And I don't actualy have a scanner. I litraly use a dgital camera and take pictures of what I draw. Then I upload. In my Drawings album you'll se a lot of that. :3
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