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  • QuiteQuiteQuite

    Lucky, ours is through December and we finished it at the start of the year on Feb 2nd.

    That'd suck, Lucky he can still get on sometimes.

    I don't have to bite hard, my teeth are really sharp. That's a good thought. Less blood loss is good.

    Ever watched the 'Naruto' Series

    It's almost the end of term and then we have 2-3 weeks of holidays.

    Actually I was checking to see if cloud had come back on since I was last here and saw a VM from superbird telling cloud what had happened since he had last been here. I VM stalk sometimes.

    Ah, damn. I bite the inside of my mouth sometimes and it bleeds a lot. Probably not a good idea. Avoid Acidic food until it stops bleeding.

    Lucky, I still have two more days then it's the holidays.

    You are welcome. So I heard that Blade got grounded at some point?

    Quite. Ours starts wednesday, although it's Autumn break here. I hate it when that happens, I cut the tip of my tongue and I could barely eat for a few days, it really hurt. I wish your gums luck in their repairs.

    Any time is good.

    Good for you two!

    That's good, depression gets us all at some point. One of the reasons I haven't been on is due to a short bit of depression. That and the ever increasing amounts of school work.

    Ahem, now that i have finished copying shion, how are you doing? :3
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