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  • Of course, we're talking Gamzee. He's worse than Karkat.

    GA: Gamzee
    GA: No I Dont
    GA: And Youre An Insane Monster
    GA: Gamzee
    GA: You Are Somewhat Startling Me
    GA: To Change The Subject
    GA: How Is Karkat
    It probably will! I thought about my commands too! Just not enough, I guess. xxxxD Are you doing Feferi now, with the tiara smilie?

    Oh, good! He must be so confused, haha.

    That sounds interesting, actually! I like reading a lot already, so it doesn't sound that 8ad. It would be cool if my school had a team........

    Well, what would you want it to 8e like? First you have to get a concept. Mine was Visionary getting the voice of his future heads bothering him.

    Yeah. May8e we should change trolls for a while, and then go 8ack!

    EDIT: What do you think of Choice Mafia?
    GA: Gamzee
    GA: Youre Insane
    GA: Why
    GA: I Am Fine I Think
    GA: Other Than Seething With Anger
    GA: Induced By Eridan And Vriska

    I was talking to Mawile while I was RPing Kanaya and Mawile was Vriska.
    I hope so. But, I like rain, so eh. IT should be gone in a few hours, though. if not a day. you'll be fine.

    What about your pocket? I thought you said you hated battle of the books?

    I hope so too, but I can't be unfair, sadly.
    GA: Oh Eridan
    GA: You Make Me Laugh
    GA: Laugh With Anger

    The hexadecimal color for Gamzee is #2B0057. I got it from Mawile :3
    That sounds accurate.

    GA: Whatever You Say
    GA: Funny Guy
    GA: I Will Stop You
    GA: Just You Watch
    GA: The Attempt To Revive The Poplulation
    GA: Was Good Hearted
    GA: And Yes
    GA: It Failed
    GA: But That Wont Stop Me From Trying To Revive The Population Another Way
    GA: And I Will Find You
    GA: If You Want Me To Kill You Again
    GA: Then Just Watch Me Come End Your Idiotic Life
    GA: And
    GA: Your Attempts To Kill Me Will Be Futile
    GA: I Will Kill You
    GA: And Drink Your Blood
    GA: For I Am
    GA: Kanaya The Rainbow Drinker
    GA: And Shut Up
    GA: Ill Find You
    GA: And Tear You Apart
    GA: And Consume Your Blood

    storms, huh? well, Whenever I have storms around, I always think that a kyogre's responsible.

    also, I was once playing my DS on the bus ride home, and I used rain dance. at the exact same second I did, it started to rain. huh.

    Well, I'll get started soon. may not be able to talk for a bit, cuz once I get on a roll I usually don't stop unless forced.

    GA: Youre Sick
    GA: And Im Gonna Get You
    GA: Youll Regret This
    GA: And
    GA: Haha
    GA: Youre Funny Eridan
    GA: Science Is For Idiots
    GA: Such As The Idiot Im Currently Engaged In A Conversation With
    GA: Hahahahaha
    GA: Shut Up
    GA: And
    GA: You Shouldve Stayed Dead
    GA: Youre Worthless As Well
    GA: If Im Worthless
    GA: Then Youre Just That Much More Worthless To This World
    GA: Shut It
    uh... I completely forget what our previous conversation was about. XD. so... uh....?

    I'm gonna ref it soon (as in today, OMG!) with the two/three others I have.

    I forgot that Sollux was only hurt. Oops. >_<

    GA: I Forgot
    GA: Werent You And Ferferi Unique
    GA: Unique As Sea Dwellers
    GA: You Killed Your Counterpart
    GA: You Idiot
    GA: And Forget About Your Stupid Science Already
    GA: Jegus
    GA: Everyone Whos Sane Knows
    GA: That Science And Magic
    GA: Is Only For Idiots
    GA: Megalomaniacs
    GA: Like You
    GA: Shut Up
    GA: Remember
    GA: Im A Rainbow Drinker
    GA: And Im Watching You

    GA: Well
    GA: Why The Hell
    GA: You Got Me As Well
    GA: Jegus
    GA: You Killed Sollux
    GA: And Ferferi As Well
    GA: I Had A Valid Reason To Attack You

    I suck at this xD
    Do you like eggs..? I hated eggs and seafood ever since I was really little.

    GA: Oh
    GA: Yes
    GA: That Is True
    GA: Very Accurate
    GA: It Seems To Have
    GA: Slipped My Mind Somehow
    I am much worse than you, I bet.

    I've hated it ever since I was one or two years old :P

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