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  • That would have sucked :c
    Yeah probably 8D

    Summary* Anyways, I don't think it's a teenager's true self to feel like killing everything that touches you. xD If it's an accident that hurts you that's not involved with recklessness then I'll be fine but still worry about you :c
    I could, yes, I saw them all. xD Just couldn't reply.
    That'll be amazing 8D

    Because my true self is an obnoxious asshole when he does talk and a silent, broody teenager when he doesn't. I knoww, but like, I sorta feel like I inspired you to be reckless xD
    :c Saddd.
    Why not? The weather sometimes doesn't cooperate but oh well.

    But, hey, it's fine. Yes, I do listen, but I've been acting my true self lately and it's not good. :c Yess, I do, and that would put guilt on me which would be sad for both of us :c
    Nooo. It'd be the same 8D
    Yess :D That'd be so amazinggg :3

    Pshh. That rant you made against me had so many great points. I've been more carefull. xD Ohh, okayy. Good, good. :3
    I'll text you asap :3
    LOL Well, as long as we wave it counts. At LibTax? As a waver? o-o

    I know, you're always watching me, i can't do noting :C ...Before you run parkour you should watch videos on it first 8D Don't you dare try to scale a large building
    We shall see soon :3
    Tis what I shall do. It'll be pretty awesome though cause my friend works there now and we'll be out there together 8D

    Uh, ran a GREAT session of parkour, didn't injure anything. Then I ran a LOW. LOWLOWLOW. wall. And fell off the side into weeds with those prickly bits. :c
    Yes that would be amazing.
    ...no it's just a thin layer of cloth really

    ...wow, really? I actually have a lot of new cuts on my body because of today o-o
    I may be getting a new one tomorrow. MAYBE.
    I have to work in the snow tomorrow man it's going to suck donkeys
    I suck at playing Ferferi. So bad. There aren't good colors for her text.

    CC: O)( )(ey Sollux! )(ow )(ave you been? Glub!
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