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  • Silverrrrr

    My Woobat evolved :3 Thank you Team Plasma, for giving me enough EXP to evolve my Woobat~
    I have gotten people's FC's xD Why won't my mom go to Walmart for orange juice already :c
    I think I'll the WiFi YSB connector from the all awesome deity known as...

    the Internet (cue gasping).

    Oh. }:[ Why did you offer a Swadloon. And I am not sure if telling my mom to go to Wal Mart to get the WFC USB connectors for no other reason than...

    "But I want to battle some friends from that forum!!"

    ...would be enough. Oh well, we're bound to go there for orange juice sooner or later.

    *goes to register Silver* However, my DS doesn't connect...DS Lite only connects with WEP type wireless connection, we use WPA. However, I'll just get one of those WFC USB connectors...

    Then I'm just really off. In the future, look at my sig. For now, it's 4040-6087-8508. What's yours?

    I am back~

    And I have found my Friend Code 8D White gives you an automatic FC when you get the Pal Pad.
    Yeah. That swagger will bring the pain on Harlequin. I pretty much punched myself in the face, damage wise. You should, though! That was a smart idea!

    Indecision is still nice, though. You can enjoy everything! :3
    Veekun is awesome for that stuff, isn't it? ::::'D I probably should have looked at their movepool and not just speed stat! If I remember correctly, then Azuraine is fastest, followed by Harlequin and then Sunny. May8e.

    Any of them? They're all pretty awesome, so I get that. You don't have a favorite, though? ::::/
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