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  • Sorry I was gone for so long.


    Yes, I just need to get you a picture somehow.
    Now it's your turn to pick apart my commands! :D

    (I posted in our battle~)
    Hehe, yes. So ironically. (Yeah, but why not? Although I don't really believe she would be. I know!)

    ...Running around Driftveil City, training aaaaaaaallllllll my pokemon to the same level and hatching eggs. Yes, I'm always this slow. ::::/

    Okayy then.


    ...no, I found a way to not bother with the camera.


    I am almost done with making the sun!

    I think it was a bandage. Since I saw you say on Squorn's profile "It's a bandage."


    No, some button on the program.

    i'm 0kay.



    Oh. I'll make that right after I figure out how to change the viewing angle in this 3D art program >|

    Aradia? :o



    Persons are not triangle headed.

    Er...I'm Aries, but I forget which troll I matchup with.


    No, it was a confused facethingie.


    And I wasn't being serious...yes, I remember.


    That was a confused face.

    Er, I can make ANYTHING that's not too complex in geometric structure.

    Oh. Well, hello there Sollux. Where's Ferferi...?


    Then how could I do it?

    You asked me to make a person; I can't, so I'll give you Amy Rose.

    Also hi Eridan (you said "wwas").
    Huh. Okay.


    You do it.

    That's too hard. How about Amy Rose from Sonic the Hedgehog?
    How am I supposed to answer this part?



    Okay, if you say so. It is now a yellow ball in suspended hammerspace.
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