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    [/random celebration]
    ((I guess so :::;D ))

    'Kay. I just got ten dollars from Lacuna Labs, so if you think you want some quick money you can do that.

    Not really, unless I am murdering your computer with indecision. AM I ONLINE OR NOT ONLINE :O?

    Also, I read your post in the Grr thread. Sorry about that, but I don't really have much advice other than sometimes I feel like that. I'm kind of wondering whether one of my 8est real life friends really pays any attention to me. I mean, not to be rude but I think she's 8een lying to me. I know this sounds silly, but I've asked her to check out MS Paint Adventures several times and whether she's heard of it, and at first she said yes. She said it was a TV show and she watched it sometimes late at night. I mean, she might've misheard me but I told her it was a webcomic and she said something like, 'yeah, but it's a TV show too'. No it isn't. And then later she had said several times she did check it out 8ut always 'forgot' what happened and never told me the name of the main character. How could you forget the name of John Egbert? :/

    And then one time I asked her whether she remem8ered to look she said she did but forgot what happened and then later in the same day for some reason I asked again she said she forgot because her uncle died. Urgh I feel so terri8le 8ut I really don't 8elieve her and its making me wonder whether she's sincere a8out other things as well.

    ...I went on a huge long rant, didn't I. :( This is why I decided never to post in the Coughing Cupboard...
    ((Well... it's probably one of the better things to be evil at.))

    Yeah. I feel like I asked this 8efore, 8ut what's on your to-get list?

    Hehe, yeah. I've just been shifting 8ack and forth. XXXX3
    gaaah underleveled team - fail. Trying to level up my druddigon so I can beat Iris but its going slowly
    ((Evil? Well at least yay I was right!))

    ::::/ Next weeks allowance? Finished 8attles and stuff? Oh, and I think you can still sell EXP to Kratos for ten dollars per experience point in a 8attle. Money will come soon!

    Well, no. I've been working on something else and going 8ack and forth. Once I finish this project I pro8a8ly will! Proooooooo8a8lyyyyyyyy.
    What's your team?
    Mine: Altairia Lv64,Reshiram lv64, Jirachi lv64, Virizion lv64, Frillish lv36, and Chandelure, lv64.
    ((Okay, I feel kinda silly now, but will carry over to PM.))

    Not even a rarity one? :(

    ((Heh. I knew it~ or I had at least a suspicion which really has yet to be confirmed. :3 ))

    Oh! I got it now, thanks! :D Now I can buy either a vulpix or a growlithe or something else I guess!

    Okay. I'll get to that soon.
    ((Mildly, but not completely shocking. You guys know each other pretty well, right?))

    Wait, how exactly? I still have only seven dollars.

    (Yeah, I guess so. A battle where the grounds gives you toxic status would end really fast, wouldn't it?) Really? All I have to do is write it up, may8e. And then I could either post it or wait for one of your slots to open up.
    ((He does? Well, I can wait.))

    Okay. I guess it just isn't here yet?

    And after a few rounds (how long are battles, usually? I feel so silly asking that) then meteors can start raining down and Bec can teleport us to other places like the medium!
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