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  • I beat it, I was reading the wrong part of a guide on where to go.

    Now at the edge of the bridge.
    ((Well, hopefully when he gets on we'll get reffed.))

    There's supposed to 8e a button, I think. I don't see it, but isn't the allowance supposed to come on Saturdays? I don't really know. Maybe we should check the AS8 Hack Discussion Thread.

    Land of Maps and Treasure? May8e. Or on Jade's island or Dave's apartment... the reason for that mostly because I can think of events for there.
    ((When will Blade be online? :/ ))

    I like the new system, 8ut can you see the pick up allowance button? I'm using IE right now, so I'm wondering if its one of those things.

    I guess it is. I have to think of an arena first, too. The chooooooooices!

    It would just be much easier if we had unlimited conditionals, wouldn't it? But I guess it would be complicated. At least we take turns.

    Maybe I should make my own challenge...
    ((Aww. :/ Well, finished battles get money.))

    I always freak out when I attack first. I try to consider every possible outcome, m8 conditionals for almost every possible outcome, and then forget the most o8vious one and make a huge mist8.

    Well, when we finish ours we'll have on open for another one! I still have one left, actually; it seems I'm always a 8it late in checking the challenge 8oard. x3
    ((Well, we're supposed to get allowances on Saturday, so money is coming soon! How much money do you have?))

    Well, there's always next round! Then I'll 8e attacking first, so you can pounce on whatever mist8s I m8! I don't always pay attention. xD

    Also we start out with a limit, so this battle will probably be quick. What should our next match be? Maybe it could be Homestuck themed? :3
    Oh, okay.

    ((I plan to get more. Soonish.))

    I also replic8ed a reply. Now to wait for tomorrow, since that's when Blade said he'll have it up!
    ...yeah, he's not on. None of my 'chums' are on, actually. I put Mawile on too :3 I'll keep checking....
    Oh. He's not even on Pesterchum now :/ What do you want me to tell him for when he gets on?
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