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  • ...fine *gives chickens to orphans*, fine *gives chickens to orphans*...

    ?::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::? (I thought that you were not a triangle)



    ...what chicken *shifty eyes*, what chicken *shifty eyes*...

    ?::::::::::::::::::::? (like I thought)


    *coughidontevenrememberanymorebutididhavealaughwhenifinallyogtaroundtolisteningtotheeminemcdmymatelentmecoughcough *inhale* *coughheusedantidisestablishmentarianisminalmostfamouscoughcough*
    Harold, why do you ask?

    ...good, good...

    ?::::::::::::::::::::::::? (your point?)


    ...yes, ok.

    no, more like this: [: ]O= Mouth on the bottom. Cuboid head.

    *...what? (well, mine will be, uh, raised quicker!)*

    I know. I sometimes don't understand why they put those people in charge.

    *throws twix to banette* I lied. :3


    *well, there's nothing wrong with trying. (( YAY! :D so, uh...))

    Well, Blade would kiss silver regardless. But why would silver want to take her shirt off?

    ((You did 3 times in a row...)

    ||| I THOUGHT SO...|||


    Well, just try and stay out of her way till the whole thing blows over. Blade knows because Blade got in a fight with one of his friends at school. Blade ended up on thew ground, being laughed at, and got a detention, and, to top it all off, solved nothing. Is there someone you can trust to vent to? besides me, of course. ^-^ Hmm... so do I. *hugs*
    ...fine *trades the orphans' pie for some donuts*, happy?, fine *trades the orphans' pie for some donuts, happy?...

    ?:::::::::? (yeah, heheheh)


    Because I have a horse.

    I love my animal lure, every night I can see about a dozen peaceful mobs gathering around it. Weird how the squids have teeth though.
    it... doesn't matter. (the bank account.)

    * D: (I can raise one to level 50~ish using an EXP share while battling the E4.)


    Oh. And I... don't have a twix.


    *oh. sorry. you should, it's hilarious.* ((;-; Blade is sorry.))

    Don't jump to conclusions so quickly. What were you going to say?

    (( basically. and you usually do. -_-))

    |||*sigh* THIS IS NEVER GOING TO END, IS IT?|||


    Well, she's wrong to say that, it's really none of her business. And, if you got him to believe you, then you probably won, right? he'll eventuqally realize he's being tricked. Also, Silver, I know from experience that starting a fight is never worth it. If you need to punch/slap/kick/obliterate/blow up someting, then destroy a pillow when you get home, or something. But, starting fights really gets nowhere. I really hope this whole thig works out for you. *hug*
    ...indecisive much, indecisive much...

    :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::? (Nope, I got it during the XMas Special where anyone who had bought the game could give one free copy out. I got it from one of my friends.)



    It is a good game, I have a squid pool and a death pad. And an animal lure with a trap.

    *keeps thinking evil plots*

    * it was a paper sign. (Still... fine. Whoever can raise the best pidgeot wins.)*

    It's not worth it.

    doesn't banette have Frisk? wouldn't he have known right away?

    *shrugs* ^^

    * Ouch. it was just a big bang theory refference...* ((*;-;* what? why?))

    Silver, why do you have such a dirty mind.... Blade doesn't really mind either way.

    ((no, just that you start things that you win, and you've won more than me.))



    You know, it's not worth getting into a fight. is there a way you can talk to him without her finding out? by email or phone or someting?
    don't you have a bank account?

    just you wait....*starts mubling evil plots*

    *riiight. *holds up sarcasm sign(We could both do it. and, they'd probably both be different.)*

    that's bad. it's a holiday! (technically)

    ...What did you tell him?


    *holds up sign that says 'SARCASM' ((*kisses (yet) again*))

    answer what?


    |||I ONLY SAW TWO. *kisses back*|||

    aaand I responded.

    Well, I normally hate breaking people up, but this ime it should be done. Like I said before, cheating is wrong. and bad. and horrible.
    so... you can't save money.

    or maybe you'll say that, and still lose.

    *uh-huh. (that's cool. *snaps fingers* I'm gonna raise a pidgey named cloudy, and trade it to cloudy when he comes back!)*

    That's one good thing.

    *tries to air hug banette* still didn't work.


    *whatever you say... ((*kisses again*))

    yes, we do. he prevents them. He has a cell phone, y'know.

    ((no, I don't think so.))

    |||NONONO YOU WON TWICE. *kisses again*|||

    PM it to me, if you can.

    well, if you think it had to be done, it did. Cheating is wrong.
    ....how hard?

    that's what you think.

    *so ha. I win.(did you name it cloudy?)*

    I know. luckier me. :3

    *tries to hug banette* didn't work.


    *in a nutshel: I win. ((*keeps kissing*))

    Yes, I can. but the lawyer helps prevent stupid mistakes.

    ((so... why were we arguing about it?))

    |||I THINK I JUST WON TWICE, SO HA. *continues to kiss*|||

    possible problem RP wise.

    Hope you have/had fun.
    ...you're the one that gave it to them, you're the one that gave it to them...

    ::::::::::::::::::::::? (So very awesome, definately worth the cost, although I got it for free last year :D)


    heheheheheh. Now who has the evil laugh?

    Yup, Done anything interesting with minecraft yet? or haven't you really played it?
    it's hard for you to save money?

    But next...

    *but we're talking about music being technology.(oh. that's why I don't train pidgey.)*

    Wow. lucky you.

    That...doesn't really work.

    So... stop.

    *Because it evolves from eevee. Eevee does not evolve from eevee, it just is eevee. Therefore, it doesn't count as an 'eeveeloution'* ((Oh. ok then. *kisses silver*)

    I am. But, my lawyer advises me against saying bad things.

    ((that's... that's my point.)

    |||BUT THE NEXT... *keeps kissing*|||

    You should have got it by now.
    ...probably "FOOD!... awww.", probably "FOOD!... awww"...

    ::::::? (meant to write 'then'. Looked it up yet?)


    No... Thank you...

    Yep. When you posted it was 4AM. Now it's 6:51.
    Well, that's easy.

    But that doesn't mean you won.

    *yes, but that's irrelevant.(not with an EXP. share they're not.)*

    that's too bad. I don't. *shot*

    I can't hug a ghost. it's incorpeal.

    It's bad to plot evil things, silver.

    *still, Eevee itself is not an eeveloution.*((*kisses back* hmm... maybe a bit. do you?))

    ....*fwapped by lawyer* Blade's Lawyer: Blade's Lawyer would like to point out that Silver has a dirty mind. That is all.

    ((which is why it is bad))

    ||| THERE WILL COME A TIME WHEN I DO WIN... *continues to kiss*|||

    interesting idea... i'll send it to you in a PM.

    no, cuz it was right and made sense.

    *the brain is the most basic element of human thought.(it's the only thing that makes sense.)*

    well, you got lucky, I suppose.

    I tried that. didn't work.

    *stops running* wait....

    *Technically, it's not an eeveloution, because it doesn't evolve* ((*keeps kissing*))

    Well, yes, but Silver is the person who got drunk and took her shirt off.

    ((bad for me.))

    ||| I...SHUT UP. *kisses back*|||

    I think he already is.
    ...your point, your point...

    :::? (okay then, talk to you there)


    ... Huh.

    Okay then... *tucks away card*.

    Night to you, afternoon to me.
    ...now the orphans have pie too, now the orphans have pie too...

    ::? (Look it up, it's really fun.)


    ...You live in a weird place.

    *takes card* Qhick Buck Chucks? No way, last time i bought ninjas from there they overthrew me and created 4chan... Owait. I missread the card, sounds like a good place.
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