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  • Well, tommorow's Black Friday. We normally don't go shopping, but we opened a book store in a mall. We have to be there to sell at 7, so I have to get up at 5 to get ready. Hopefully, I'll have the rest of my weekend to myself.
    Those are good. The only time I have those are at Boston Market, but the homemade kind sounds delicious. The only thing I'm unhappy abaout is that I have to get up at 5:00 A.M. tommorow morning.
    Oh yeah, a happy turkey day to you too. :D We're having turkey, stuffing, vegetables, cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie. We were going to have green bean casserole, my favorite dish, but my dad forgot to buy the ingredients.
    It's like a critical hit, and was introduced in B/W. When you throw any pokeball, there's a small chance it will show a special animation, wobble once, and catch the pokemon 99% of the time. It's very rare; it apparently only happens 3-4 times a game.
    I'm a bit tired. I don't know what time it is where you live, but it's 1:21 over here. G'night, Silver.
    I would, but you can't rename the event mew.
    I stopped in gamestop today, and saw the release date for B/W: 04/02/11. Five more months. :D
    (If I seem to eager, it's probabtky because I am.)
    True... He's married anyway.
    For some reason, my event mew is strangely lucky with metronome. It pulled Luster Purge twice. In a row.
    I did that the first day I had P.E. :D


    omglike so yus<3 so much rite? lolololololo

    Ah, I see. My P.E. teacher does that sometimes, but she's usually in her office. Most of the girls try to cover themselves when she comes in, though. :D


    Yes hurting out-msnsjdjdndjs r brinz vry mch so lik it maks me tok lik @ n00b olololololol,bad grammer lololololol

    Oh, we have a bisexual spanish teacher too, and I thought that my Language Arts teacher was too, but it turns out he has a wife and a daughter.


    Yes. SO much. owowowowowowow

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