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  • :O
    *orders Bob to hand over the marker*
    *Bob hands marker to me*
    *draws all over Bob*
    *Bob stares at me blankly*
    I saw :D I'll go post soon, too x3 I'm gonna go for a walk soon, though. Today it's 70 degrees, but tomorrow it drops to a HIGH of 38 degrees >.< *shivers*
    Lolz xD Well...how about getting everyone moving instead of just lounging around talking and killing each other with magic powers XD Hmm...the Spirit Wielders could activate something which sends a flash of light up into the sky, the magic users see it and start that way, the whatever that was activated points the Spirit Wielders in the direction to the next whatever. (probably some form of alter that replenishes and restores the nature and land in that area) The magic users get to the first alter and the Spirit Wielders have already moved on to the next alter, the magic users follow the Spirit Wielders across the land, before having an epic battle somewhere. The alters could be in all sorts of places, volcanoes, mountains, caves, valleys, lakes, oceans, whatever. What do you think?
    Evil smurfs that live in vending machines D:< XD

    ooh I made something :D
    Okie XD And I learned the secret of the Magic Vending Machine! There are thousands of lil blue smurfs inside that accept whatever you put into the machine, and push out something that's related :3
    No, I didn't reply because I was gone from 6:30 to 10:30 at a school thing. You didn't hurt my feelings. Sorry if it seemed that way. Actually, it means a lot to me that you tried to cheer me up.

    And Cloudsong said it best: There will be other opportunities. The girl said yes, it's just that her parents said no. And who knows, I might meet someone while I'm there.


    Haha, I sure will!

    *headdesk* :D

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