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  • YAY Cousins :D!~
    *wiggles around in shell in happy dance* xD? It's kind of hard to dance in a shell XD
    Sometimes I have too much time on my hands (or I make time) so the VMs get longer and longer!

    Hmm, Gorillaz? Can't say that I have. The band name is fabulous, though. :D

    Haha, normally when I make an educational comment I forget what I said, and when someone says "Hey, that's really clever!" the person I told that to will say "Oh, Ashley told me that," and then when that person asks me, I say "... I said that?" Ah, good times.

    So annoying. *_* ajdhajndujd
    I won't, if such a warning has been given.

    I've had a horrible day... If you want to know why, I posted it in the "grr" thread.
    (Why is social stuff so hard to understand?
    Okie ^^ Yesh, you were saved from a terrible fate xD...I hope somebody reported it, I didn't stay on the page long enough to, I just started clicking the back button as fast as I could.
    Whatever you do, do NOT click on the new introduction thread 'Yum' D: I think I was just scarred for life x.x

    Okie, I will ^^
    Oh yes! Last Time on Moonlett Sistas! Our conversations were so long that I just couldn't reply anymore, so she ended up just splitting the paragraphs and letting me reply to one at a time!

    MJ's music is the best. :D It's so original~ Plus, his voice is amazing and he's so beautiful and his music videos are fantastic and-*rambles on for hours about MJ*

    Ahem, sorry for that. I'm quite the MJ fangirl! :D Or Mini Moonwalker, because Mini Moonwalker means a fan of MJ. Speaking about that, I've been using Mini Moonwalker to describe MJ fans so much that I forgot that I came up with that term! :D

    That happanes to me all the time! There's one notification, and there are three messages. Jajbfusdfetfsxkvldkdpdfnfrgivfdcsnc it's annoying. XC
    Completely unrelated but important nonetheless-
    did you know that Patrick Stump, the lead singer of Fall Out Boy, is making a solo album?
    Haha, I do get quite a lot it seems... but I do enjoy having a good conversation! Especially if it's about something I like. (Arylett and I tend to talk about Michael Jackson a lot, so I really enjoy it when we talk to each other. It also helps that we both like Michael Jackson.) Hmm, popular would be a better word, there's a somewhat large amount of people who know me, so popular seems to fit better. :) And you're welcome!

    Oh, and I do apologize for not replying - all those VMs just flood in and I sadly just can't keep up with them all!
    Ah, I see. That one wasn't for the dark legion. And I think cheif Zackrai is Bas now. The kateness is fine; I once waited 8 days for a reply to a conversation
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