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  • Oh wow. Thats suckish. I dont know if my parents even know what this site is. My dad gets angry when I talk to people online....he says its "dangerous". As long as you dont put personal info, its not.
    Oh, that stinks. This is why I always keep an extra tab on the comp open so that if any of my parents come in I can switch the page and minimise it. You have to be quick though. ;D
    And I actualy am a bit of an insomniac. my not-going-to-school-the-next-day-bedtime is 2:00AM or later (earlyer?). X3
    Skroy! Why did you get caught?!

    Ironicly enough, I'm allowed on until midnight, which is 11 your time and 10 Notory's time. But once I go back to my Dad's, I have to be careful, because he doesn't let me on forums, and he had the absolutely wonderful habit of looking over my shoulder at any given time.

    Heh. Don't you think this whole kind of thing is funny--in a cosmic way?
    Something that has to do with biology on some level. Preferably Zooligy and Bioligy mixed into some kind of oligy ment for both.
    Or something, I dunno. I love animals, expesialy canids and felines of any type. I've noticed that I often watch horror movies (among other genres) just to get a good look at the beast wreaking havoc. And then once I've seen it I want to know how it works, like the organs and body parts. And good example of this would be the movie Cloverfield. The moster and parasites in the movie creep me out, but I want to learn more about them. How does the parasite vemon kill you in the way that it does? Why is the monters mouth shaped like that? Does it have those smaller arms so it can pick up smaller targets? Are they apposible? Does it walk on it's knuckles or it's hands? Why did it shed those parasites after birth? What were the parasites used for before birth? Is it always stark white colored or does that change as it matures? If it came from water than how does it breath both air and liquid? Is it an amphibian? Wouldn't somebody notice if it continuously came up for air? Is it's mouth equiped with some kind of filtration device? Is that why it's shaped that way? Where's it's mom? How big is it's mom? What is the creature bone and skin structure? Is it double jointed? If it spends a lot of it's time in water how fast can it swim? Why doesn't it have fins? What's it's temprament? Eating habits? Do they travel in packs or are they mostly loners. Does this make the elephant and blue whale the second largist animals on the planet? What's it's life span? How thick and strong is it's skin?...

    I've got more questons if you want some. Seriously, this is stuff I want to know. This is the only reason why I even considered watching the movie. And every time I read about an animal or hear about a new type, real or not, these are the kinds of thing that go through my mind after I see what they look like.
    I don't know what makes me truly happy. I know what can distract me and make me think I'm happy, but not what really brings me joy.
    So... What would make a human happy?
    Heh. Clever.

    I'm sorry to cut off our conversation so abruptly, but I have to get off. Maybe I can get on later.

    Goodnight, Skroy Horitz.
    No worries. I understand. *Grins again*

    Your friendship sometimes amazes me, I can't help but smile.
    I feel so stupid n--
    No, I shouldn't.
    I really don't like the fact that it's just an immature want for something that's causing me to be this way. It's so... juviniel, I'm better than that. I'm older on the inside than I am on the outside so I shouldn't be pouting like I am. I should be.. striving for happyness instead of mournfuly staring at it.
    But... how do I get happyness...
    Did I forget? CAN you forget? How will I remember? What should I do.
    Ug, Skroy, that's not what I'm talking about. In that sort, it's nice to pace yourself, but don't overdo it.

    Anyway, I'm done with it now.
    Yeah. If I joined Gamefreak, something like that would be the first thing I would suggest.

    Urrrggg. I don't know what to write.
    That's hard, because my mind changes so much. I suppose being a cook, being an author, or moving to Japan and working for Gamefreak are my latest whims.

    And yes, I'd be willing to move away from my family to Japan. Bite me.
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