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  • Woah.... You look totally different from what I imagined...

    Now I'm tempted to put a picture of myself, but my parents have imbedded a fear in me that I will get abducted in doing so. (I'm also not allowed on forums.)
    Ah, well..
    It's that time.. :<

    I cut the moon in half
    and stuck a piece to my hair,
    it made the back of my head glow
    and then I took
    ten stars on sticks
    And placed them my smallmedahl
    But then, I gave the other half of the moon to you
    oh, so you wouldn't forget me while I'm gone..

    Song~Plenty of Paper

    I'll see you later~ :3
    O_o;; I dont even want to know what your trying to imply......
    Anyway have you checked out any of my sprites? You can see them on my profile in my sprites album.
    Most of my friends know what kirby is, they just dont like my pictures <_< jerks..once again the only one who appreciates my art Is my best frien. Shes awesome.
    Holy carp. O_o
    Like twinnnssssssss. O_o;;;
    I know a girl named Rebecca! She's really fun and quirky, but nobody else seems to like her.. I call her Bubbles for her bubbly personality. :33
    Yaeh, I wish I cold post them. I like drawing stuff from kirby, and they look really cool. This one picture of 02 I drew looks amazing. And the Meta Knight I drew looks cool too. None of my friends appreciate my cool drwaings. Their like "what are you darwing?! its weird!" The only person who likes them is my best friend.
    Not... Really..
    I have some very good friends, but no bests. The clostest to a best would be Aura-Man and Huggable. You don't know either of them, but their amazing people. I loves them like blood relatives. X3

    And thank you for the pic link. It really means a lot seeing as how I couldn't do it. :3
    *nods* I agree. Detailed descriptions are tedeouse to write unless you really want to write them.
    Other than that, I'm surpirsed nobody thinks of you as a best friend. They just need to get to know you.. :3

    Did you get that image shack/wherever you went thing yet? I'd like to be able to post it for both of you before I go to bed tonight. There's a high chance I wont be able to stop by long enough to post them tomorow. :33
    Heh, sorry. didn't know you were slow~
    But, really. I feel that the ones I talk to most are better friends. Not to mention we have a lot in comen and can not only talk about random goofy things, but can also go all seriouse and such. :3
    This is a surprise to you? X33
    Well you're one of my best friends on here along with Typh. The least I can do is give you a goodbye present....
    Even if it is a semi-failed experiment.. It's the thought that counts... Right? ^.^;;;
    There used to be a GREAT pokemon website called pokemonaholic, but its dead now so I just use it for my name.
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