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  • You named your muse? xD My muse would need something mysterious, because I never can remember when or what I got my ideas from. If it helps you with ideas, I suppose he deserves a body. xD I've never heard of anyone naming/drawing their muse.

    But no, that does not make you demented. You're unique, or you think differently than others. Other sane people have done odder things. I should know, considering my friends. ^•^ And as you said, I don't think you show your split personality online, if you have one. Of course, you might show it and I'm just oblivious/dense - I'm very dense when it comes to socialization. For example, if sarcasm isn't fairly obvious in the voice or words then I miss it.
    I thought so, withe the simple name, but I wasn't completely sure. I think whether it looks good with or without lines depends on the picture.

    ~Zritts? Where'd that come from?
    I only have guesses as to what lineless art is...but go ahead. ^^ I'm looking forward to seeing it!
    Hey there... do you mind taking a like at this? I think it came out pretty well, and I've started animating it, too. You can also find it at my art thread if you want to leave a review.
    Hmm, you're right - both Java and Javascript were based on the C family. However, Java is more complex than Javascript, and they were made by different companies. o_o Go figure...
    You are? Aww, I'm glad you like them enough to draw them! They're more of the blushing type, I think. Maybe when they've actually been 'together' for a bit they'll get all romantic.
    Well, I'm not going to make her shiny or have multiple powers or anything. That would be a bit much. xD I might do that tonight, then.
    That's actually a good idea. Thanks. ^^ I actually didn't think about that; I was thinking more about realistic and interesting, sort of.
    I'm just having trouble pinning down my hero's character. I'll probably sit down and write a file on her so I can figure it out.

    I changed it…I don't know. A few days ago to a week ago? And I changed the summary to something more…poetic, or at least less generic.
    I need more work on characters, but I might be improving a bit. My newish story has finally been mostly planned, although I need work on the end…but I now need to work on ADL…

    I forgot to tell you, I renamed DotI to A Dawning Life. I thought it sounded better.
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