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  • ^^ ok it was nice meeting u too, g'night
    and no unfortunatly i only hav gmail but we can still email but not message
    yea actually i get on deviantat about 24/7 but if u dont have that than we can do emails, i dont mind, i hav gmail...u?
    interesting, actually, i was wondering, do u have an account on another site that, aybe, your more active on? you know just as a faster way to send messages...

    anyway, i like most anime (i hate dragonball z tho >.>) if its fast paced u want check out tales of the abyss or trinity blood.
    actually i started a while ago (before this i watched pokemon just whenever it came on tv, never in order) now im watching pokemon starting from episode one all the way through. im at 226 now so its going pretty fast and it stops me from randomly complaining around the house saying "im boooooooored"
    enough about anime, soooo what do u like to do for fun?
    lol, im bad at coming up with conversation topics too, and i dont want to say something stupid that makes you not like me anymore >.<
    I'm getting tired of binary now. And I didn't like it when you were like "this is binary code." I know what it is, I'm not stupid <_<
    O_O all those numbers were only Hello poke?!

    010101000110100001100001011101000111001100100000011010010110111001110011011000010110111001 10010100100001
    thanks for not condeming me :) u seem like a nice person ^^ btw im almost 15 but im glad u dont care. ppl like u are what is needed here ;)
    actually, i made this account a while ago and i dont like buizel THAT much anymore, now its glaceon XD

    Well you could have told me that before. Otherwise I would have started ages ago.
    You shouldn't. Since youre going ino collage and all I dont think you could handle the requests. But its up 2 u.
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