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  • ...It's absolutely hilareous. That was the exact situation.

    I'm done now, anyway. It's over.

    But seriously, how did you know?
    Topic is…time travel? Watching and thinking about Lost and playing PMD2 has made me think about it more.

    The way I see it, there are two theories: you can go back in time and change it to be different (illustrated in PMD2, Back to the Future, etc.). The second one is that you go back and do stuff, but what's happened has happened and will stay that way. This is because…it's hard to explain…say that someone gets shot or something and you want to go back and save them. However, when you go back you are unable to save them because whatever happened happened. You already went back in time, now you're doing it consciously but the same stuff will happen. You may have even been the cause of the person's death because you bumped into them when you went back in time or something. Does that make sense?

    I like the second theory better, because the first one has flaws. Lost is a good example, so I'll use it even though I don't think you watch it. They know that this company on the island drills, hits a pocket of energy, causes an explosion, and has to isolate it and press a button every 108 minutes to keep it at bay. This causes their plane to crash whenthe watcher forgets to press it once. They want to go blow up the energy so they will have never crashed in the first place. But the paradox is: if they blow it up, is that the actual explosion that creates the need for the button? Are they the ones that actually caused the explosion? (They're 30 years in the past) And if it works and they change history, then they won't have been there to explode it in the first place because they never would have been on the island. That's the kind of thing that is either ignored or creates a huge time paradox that could destroy the world. Or something.

    Wow…that's a lot of writing. =D

    It's not that I nessarily like it, I'm just kind of attracted to it.

    Let's just say I utilized the convo-stalking ways you taught me a tad too much.

    Since there's more people there, there's more drama, and you know how I get involved in drama.
    (I used shift. It's more hardcore).

    My sisters had to do that, too.

    Serebii forums. I really ought to stop getting on them.
    I'll make sure I have half an hour to read it. xD The bigger the better. I like reading.
    The ones doing them. Anyway, I msut tell you that it was dangerous.
    Believe me, you're safer as a 1,000,000,000$ wanted criminal surounded by bounty-hunters, that is.
    Why do you think I quit school...?
    It wasnt cuz they kicked me out- in fact, I averaged on 'B Plus'.
    They kicked out around 20 people, mostly guys. And yes, the disturbing things really happened and thats yet another reason I left school. ((P.S. That doesnt mean im not in school/highschool at all! Its just I quit that one))
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