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  • That face was creepy. The whole video was creepy. Not only because of pencil face, but because of the whole 'be careful what you wish for' vibe.

    We do? I guess we're interested in the same stuff (except I think I read more than you. Sometimes I read in class to the point that I look up, everyone is working and I need to ask my neighbour's what we're doing.) But you seem more social. And…sort of deeper as a person, I guess. And you occasionally spout wisdom. Maybe it's just 'cause you're older, though.
    meh. I found them on my 'animal facts for kids' book.

    P.S. I started using it when I was 6, by the way.
    Anyway, Its quite a good way to learn.
    But the body was practically burned to a crisp to the point that fingerprint analysis was the only possible method of identification. And people check pulses before assuming that someone's dead, right? I don't want him to be dead, but my brain is overpowering me with logic. =/

    It's possible…but he'd need a reason to be jealous. And she's been dead for a long-ish time. Maybe…ugh, I have no ideas. I'm the kind of person who takes most things at face value when reading or playing a game, and doesn't spend too much time dwelling on possibilities and such unless they're really big or really obvious.
    It's when you stick out your tounge and go ppppttttbbbbth.

    Geez. It's not me who needs to set straight what's on my mind, it's you. Pervy bastard. O_e
    Well then, first of all, they're real name is Komodo lizards- these are the biggest lizards currently living on earth.
    Now ,a lesson for life- when you see someone in the street, and he has a smelly mouth, dont say 'you'r mouth stinks'- the Komodo's mouth is so dirty EVERY animal on this planet dies within 1 hour. ONE. You realize what this means?
    So, these guys are of the sort you dont want to kiss. Meh.
    Komodo dragons are simply gigantic lizards. With dirty mouths.

    Today I'd like to discuss about lizard with ye. Would you acept this offer?
    For example, would you answer my question, what are komodo dragons?

    1)(skroy horitz) doesnt have a clue.
    2)(insert appearence here)
    3)(insert sex joke here)

    I don't want him to be dead, because he is awesome. And smart. And somehow he's a character that you want to be alive. But I don't get the whole thing about the fingerprints on the cellphone matching the dead body a while back. I don't know who that body was if it wasn't him.

    Bourbon has been giving 'Akai' these glares these last few chapters, and they've really been freaking me out, just because they look so sinister. I don't like him at all, but I hadn't given his hatred much thought.
    Stupid pun:

    Random guy: I feel alive!
    Rando psycho: Not for long...

    Anyway, I would like a black one, and a salamander, but please no komodo dragon. They can fly!
    Okay. Um…

    What's up with Akai? Do you think it's him or a look-alike, and what's with the scar, and… (etc.) I wanna hear your opinion! =D
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