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  • Everyone has voices in their head. They're there for a reason, they are able to tell you when you've done something wrong. they tell you about things you need to work on about yourself. Those voices are there to help.
    Sometimes though, we give these voices to much power over our well being. Tell me Skroy, what does power do?
    Power corrupts.
    When we give these voices to much power they run rampant trying to point out as many flaws as they can to gain more power. They really don't care anymore if it'll help you out or just hurt you. This is where the malignant "Boy you're and worthless idiot" voices come to play.

    With the voices, it's all about balence. It very hard to balance them out when they've gone rampant. This is true with the compliment voice as well. People who give this voice to much power become over confident and concieted. I wont go into details, but unbalancing your system can lead to disaster.

    And yes. My body is elevan, but my mind is much older.
    If you hold onto the past then the past is all you will ever be. Learn to let go and strive for a newer and better self.

    ^^^ I recomend adding this to your list of quotes. It fits. =/
    You're not always right. It's a painful, but helpful fact. When you say nobody cares about you or thinks you're worthwhile you're wrong. You're lying to yourself.

    Stop self sabotaging. Belive me, it'll help immensly.
    The first step in toughening up is to have some self confidance. Do not doubt yourself. I notice that you reapeatedly delete visitor messages saying that you're just going paranoid. Don't. Type something down and keep it that way. Be confident about what you're saying, don't care so much about what others (or in this case what I) think.
    At our school my friend's Scimatics teacher was over six feet tall. He's nice, but intimidating. And most of the time my teachers are good, although for 6/7 I had a guy in his thirties who's nice, but he gets overly enthusiastic amd likes to tease and really, really loves 70's and 80's rock music. He's also a really good drummer. But I did like him - in a way.
    I am toughing it out. You have no idea what this is like, you really don't.
    Phisical pain angers me, that's why I'm angry at the world. Right now though I'm directing it at you. You don't know anything, I am dealing with this to the best of my ability. Just shut it until you get a handle on exactly how this feels. |:<
    I'm in pain. I get angry at pain, but it's all directed inwards. All you see is sadness and fear. There's a lot of anger inside of me and I don't know what to do with it.
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