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  • Socials is basically world history and learning about the past. And sometimes other stuff, which I forget. =/ And I misspelled 'most', and my spellcheck thing replaced it with MSG. xD
    I don't like Social Studies or Visual Arts. And…yeah. I'm neutral about MSG other things.
    I usually like algebra; sometime I get confused with the order. And learning rather than memorizing is good.

    So…what subjects do you like? I like math, foods (because you get to eat it), choir, drama (sort of), and English (again, sorta). And Science, depending on what we're studying/learning.
    Math is good. I like math. Partly because I don't usually need to study. It's knowing how to move numbers so you get a different number. You don't have to memorization a bunch of facts and dates and stuff. I hate it when I misread questions, though. :/ But it's my favourite core subject.
    I saw that one XD
    Whoa, long block of text chock-full of profound wisdom. 0.0

    I'm sure that when I start it'll be fun. I was excited, but now I've been lookng at the website and there are a lot of events and meetings, and it's getting overwhelming. And I don't k ow if I want to write, teach, or do something in the music industry. Hopefully I'll figure that out by grade 12.
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