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  • Hi again. If you're looking for saying "Omigosh Im blinded by awsomeness" then visit Dragon's new thread, called the fifth forest or summing like that.

    Btw, want a beldum in D/P/Pt?
    Hey, look at this cooki- oh, sorry, the cat ate them.
    People don't have just one friend because different people suit different needs. Typh is my go-to-girl, we help the other out and we understand eachother. We can be silly and weird and fangirlish and not worry about being judged by the other. This is why Typh is so valuble and an amazing friend to me.

    You are different. We understand eachother on the same level as Typh and I do, but we use that connection differently. With you I can talk about more seriouse topics, I can vent, reveal, and say things I normaly wouldn't say to others. We can't be silly and random, but that's a small price to pay for our thereputic conversations.

    At the moment I'm warding off my anger by goofing around with Typh. If I talked to you, you would be on the recieving end of some pretty hateful and snarky comments, due to the topic we talk about. None of it would be because of you, but you would see it that way. I don't want you to think that I hate you, because I don't. Now just isn't the time for us to talk. Sorry.
    I'm angry. Not at you, at the world. At this point I feel that Typh is really to only consolance I have, whethor she knows it or not. I can goof off with her. You... not so much, no offence.
    I saw.
    You worked hard on that..
    Except I don't actualy have a piano. I want learn it, but lacking the instrument has really set me back..
    I got mine two years and a month ago, although before that I had to wear headgear at night. =( But I get them off in two weeks! Haha, a bunch of people my age are just getting them now. One of my friends is getting them eventually, and one got them in February or something. Now I'll just need a retainer, which is going to be sparkly and blue. I'm so happy that I'll get my braces out for September! And if you've had them for three years, that sucks. Mine were supposed to come off in March but I didn't realize that you were supposed to change your elastics every day, so that didn't work out…

    Ender's Game… -implants in memory- it sounds good. That's sorta what happens in the second game, Forged Alliance; these alien Seraphim come through a rift caused by the weapon that ended the was, so the factions band together to beat them. And a bunch of awesome characters died. And now in the new one, they have (surprise, surprise) started fighting because the leader of the alliance/trust bond/thing got assasinated, and everyone blames each other.

    Yeah. I'm going to stop talking about it now.
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