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  • Fine.

    But still ranting. Skroy, you do realize that I nearly got banned when Notory was gone? You are very lucky I wasn't here, or my wrath at you would be much worse. Remember when Notory left, and we all though something horrible happened? That's probably what evreyone was thinking of you.
    I've never heard of that book. But I guess it is kinda redundant, fighting and blowig up people to end a war. You choose a faction, and basically become their hero of sorts. The Aeon want peace (well, the Princess does; her Avatar-of-War is evil and wants to slaughter them all), the Cybran want to free te Symbionts and be free, and the UEF want the others to surrender.

    Ow. The people at the orthodontist messed up and confused my wires for my braces when they took them out, and they were trying to get them to fit but kept poking the inside of my mouth really hard, and something that took a few minutes turned into half an hour. /rant

    Uh…your turn to think of a topic? ^^;
    I understand. And yeah, I think there are quite a few convo-stalkers on this forum. Unfortunately, though I'm not in much of a position to speak. But at least if you absolutely cannot stand having people read your messages, you can always use PM.

    I understand that, too. I once went through a phase where I felt like everyone had more friends than I did and I was no longer wanted here, but that passed.

    =0v0= *water gun*

    I can see why, shops are a pain to run. I used to own the most popular (and I've no idea how; there are so many far better spriters out there) sprite shop on TCoD, which started on the old forum in Febuary '08 and then ended about a year ago, and I hated it. A lot of the customers were a pain to deal with as half of them act like they can't read, and I was just overwhelmed. I don't reccommend it unless you're crazy-good at dealing with that sort of thing.
    Hi, Skroy. I saw your conversation with 'Aholic (I'm sorry, I'm a convo-stalker, I can't help it ><), and I thought I should comment. I'm sorry about what he said, and I hope you know he meant nothing by it. You see, he seems to have difficulty putting himself in other people's shoes, so to speak. You can talk to me about it, if you want. (In case you have no idea what I'm talking about, I mean the dream)

    Also, I'm sorry I got upset with you when you "left". That sort of thing has happened a lot in the time that I've been here, you see, and I hate internet drama. I didn't realize you weren't trying to attentionwhore, and I apologize, though what you did was a breech of trust.

    Btw, I like your avatar. Buizel is win~ And so are your drawings. Have you ever thought about opening a shop, or do you have one already?
    (P.S. Do you happen to know the name of the §$&§&§$% son of a bitch that made the tragedy happen? I (unfortunately) do.)
    Second, Yes I am, DGF told me that too(DGF=Scyther). Btw, some player with a strange name and a charizard avatar sant PM's to lots of people, includnig you. What was that PM?
    ((Originally created by you))
    Hiya there Poke. :3

    Since I got nothing original to talk about, I'll just copy/paste a message I posted in Nottie's profile: "While on vacation, I had this strange dream: in the dream, I bought a dog and fell in LOVE with it, with kisses and everything. And it was so vivid. O_o I'm deeply sorry for bringing up such an image but I find the topic interesting enough to talk about if we haven't talked about it already. So what are your views on human-to-animal relationships in general?"
    I sometimes kiss my cat, hug her and try to take her ot my bed(to no avail, she just loves it wehen she's curled on the sofas).
    But what you said sounds pretty much sick!
    I mean, falling in love with a dog?

    (Hormone attack anyone?)
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