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  • Wow. Big, complicated course. But it looks good. And I bet all courses are that complex and hard in college. (Oh, great, I'm going to die.)
    I liked course selection. I couldn't do everything I really wanted to, but it was like choosing things from a gift catalogue. Doing that and fitting in the times and stuff is fun. What's SAY WHAT?! about? xD

    It would have to be the only school because nobody except really weird crazy people would want to go there.
    Typh is like the super cool sister you wish you had, and as for me, since I lack the means to be effectively silly and random, I'm your therapist.

    You're my friend-theripist. You "get" me, you understand what I'm feeling, so it's easy to talk about what's troubling me.
    I'm sure (-crosses fingers-) that the gameplay will be good too. It would be like…uh…I don't know. Like having the school split into three based on the subjects they took and telling them to fight to the death. Except your friends are in totally different classes.
    That is bad. Four years sucks.

    Squee! They took the bands off of my molars…they're so smooth…

    Oh, okay. =D The new game looks good. They completely redesigned a lot of it, and the graphics are awesome. And you actually get to be a characterinstead of a random Commander in the field; you're part of a group of three friends all from different factions who suddenly have to fight each other because of the war. Which is better than being some faceless guy/girl inside a commander who takes orders without talking.
    Anyway do you have neighbours who like Pokimon, or are you liking it secretly, just like me?

    Also, would you like a Beldum with a yache berry when you get your Wi-Fi back?
    Well, I use random WLAN routers- When I can use mine, I use it, but i mainly use a random router that almost everyone in a 1 KM radius uses. (Even ppl who bring laptops to (high) school!)
    I know it, buddy. U posted it somewhere else. I read it.

    Anyway, my parents would NEVER waste thier money for a puny wi-fi router- so I simply use a normal internet router that happens to be around. Try it too- you might have more luck than me- there are more Wi-fi freaks in america than in *beeped for my security*
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