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  • Yes, I don't like homework because it cuts into my free time.

    You know how I like spoilers, so while I'm sad that it's not continuing, sure!
    What disturbing thing does that strange friend of yours do then...?
    I had a friend who tried to
    do *3 letters* activities with a dog. Urgh.
    You didn't see anything......*ninja-ish escape*

    No. I am not jealose of you. I covet nothing from you that I feel I cannot reach, so therfore I have no feelings of envy towards you.

    There are some things about you I don't understand, but I'm working on it. I assume it's because of your clingy and paranoid nature that you always greet me. You want to make sure our friendship is intact even when there's nothing that could have damaged it. I don't feel the need to do this, because I always know the state of our friendship. How am I so sure?
    Your clingy and paranoid nature.
    At this point it's fairly obviouse that the only one who could and would have any reason to end this friendship would be me. You don't want to lose me. I am not expendable to you. You wouldn't be the one to leave, unless suicide was somehow involved.

    Nothing I say will stabalize your concience. That's something that only you can do. No one is capeble of giving you any help other than advice, including me.
    xD That's okay.

    I think that's mostly it. I don't like writing in LA because you have to write. Right then. And I need lots of time to think of good plots because I have trouble with that. And I want to write because I want to, not because I'm supposed to. And I'd rather not be marked on my limited plot skills. And if it's analysis or something, I don't want to go into detail because I usually like getting work done at top speed so I can read or something. And because it's not usually interesting, and because I'm being marked I don't like doing it, I guess. I'm being forced to do it for marks, and for some reasonthat annoys me. And then at home I want a break from the analyzing so I do very little unless I feel like it; sort of same with writing.

    ^Something to add to the list of similarities. =D

    Ugh, today I just got a bunch of high school forms and newsletters and stuff in the mail. Looking a the music stuff alone makes me wonder why I'm doing quite so many activities. So many meetings and notices and reminders… my head hurts. =/
    I just knew that she would keep getting whatever she wanted until something turned out bad.

    Hey, I don't know you in real life. =P And you'd might as well underline the 'sucker for romance' part.

    Maybe I'm just too lazy to write so much and put a lot of work into it? -_-;; In school I do that, but in real life I automatically keep it more simple. Partly because I talk too fast so I don't want to repeat something really long…

    Aw, what am I saying? I don't really know.

    My previous friend was a pokemon friend just like me- however, he also liked sonic, which I dont do.
    The wierd thing is that he used to dream about sonic raping Misty, May and even Kirby.
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