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  • Gotcha. I'll assemble some screenshots of a picture in action for you. :3
    And exactly what kind of special effects do you have trouble with?
    I could teach you about layers. Other than that you don't need much, as long as you can shade and create special effects by yourself.
    (Eh? Message moderation? Why exactly? O_o)

    Hiya, I'm Skroy. I found this site thanks to the Clue Game, and, after some thinking, I thought: "What the hey?"
    Taken from your intro thread. Well, if you found the site through the clue game, but didn't use any forums before......
    Well actualy I have no idea if you're on any other forums. I would say Butterfree (joined her forums because of her great site), but now I'm not entirely sure.
    Well whethor or not you ment it this way, you were toying with us. I was more worried than I seemed, I was scared that you might have broken your promise. I'm glad you didn't, but irked that you were able to get an emotional reaction out of me.
    Purpose: To determine if my presence is acknowledged.

    Hypothesis: Since I have been going paranoid for the last few days, I predict I'm not going to be missed much.

    - Manipulated: Time of absence (measured in days)
    - Responding: Reactions from my friends
    - Controlled: The edit of my TCoD profile

    Computer, Internet connection, partner(s)

    1) Edit enough information in my TCoD profile to imply that I may have left the forums.
    2) Do not log onto TCoD for a few days. Make sure I am able to read the visitor messages in my profile while offline.
    3) Inform at least one person that I'm still active but make sure to communicate somewhere else.
    4) Relax and read the visitor messages. During relaxation, try to regain the high score in WiiSports Resort Bowling and/or go up against my cousin in BlazBlue.

    Discussion (Basically the theory behind the experiment)
    I have this REALLY bad habit of blowing things out of proportions and getting badly depressed to the point of.... You know, I'm not going to even finish that sentence. I also get these voices in my head saying negative things that I wish would go away but, sadly, they keep coming back.

    In my hypothesis, I stated and I quote, "since I have been going paranoid for the last few days, I predict I'm not going to be missed much." Thankfully you guys proved it wrong. Listen, I really love talking to you guys (in fact, I've been obsessing over chatting with others as of present, so I especially thank Typh for making me realize just how annoying I am), but I was depressed and going paranoid at the moment. If I had known you guys would go this insane over my absence I would've never performed this silly experiment. It makes me happy knowing that you miss me, but now it's starting to scare the hell out of me.
    However, I would not have logged onto TCoD anyway because 1) I was on vacation in Quebec City (though I would've informed you beforehand) and 2) I only have two weeks left of vacation before the start of classes and I have to review all my notes for my upcoming classes, as well as register and arrange my courses into a suitable time table, plus purchase the books and materials for each class! (In short, it's my first time in college and I'm going to use this time to effectively prepare for it, thus having little time to log onto TCoD; then again I could be lazy and perhaps procrastinate the process, but I'm trying- nay, willing to get out of that habit).
    Again, I'm truly sorry for causing all of you such a commotion. Okay, maybe not all. You see, there was only one other person on this site who knew I was still active. I'm not going to point names, you figure it out. =P
    Look, I was never toying with you guys; I wanted to prove a theory and, once again, thank God it was proven wrong! :D
    jesus christ people
    it's only been three days
    skroy's prolly on vacation or something.
    no need to get worked up. if he isn't back in about two weeks, yeah that would be a reason but seriously. three days.
    If that's the case, when he comes back, we should all stop talking to him, at least for a while. Don't feed the trolls, I say, and he is one.
    Skroy this isn't funny at all. I'm very sure that you are only testing us on what we would do if you left. Come back now, this isn't a game. |:<
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