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  • No. In middle school I guess it's considered wrong to crush on an elevan year old even though you're thirteen. That and nobody really liked me that way in elementary school.
    LOL more like yay for overcoming them, they used to be really bad, but they're bettah nao! :3
    OH and YAY PIE :D
    You don't know it was me. I could have gotten any picture of a twelve year old and put it there. There will always be a hint of doubt...
    Thanks, my fingers are numb. D:
    LOL it told the truth though, I do have OCD and social anxiety.
    Yay for problems! O3O
    As long as you can speak the language of your community, I don't think you should be too ashamed. And I know you speak English and some French, so...

    I also found it freaky that Hiroki committed suicide and Noeh's ark took over the game. And honestly, that's a scary and hard game to put kids in. I mean, Noah's Ark changed it some, but they're running around a freaky city at night hoping to catch a serial killer. I would avoid that stage like the plague; I'm not fond of scary stuff. And the kids playing it are around half my age.

    I haven't seen the third one. My dad decided to suddenly buy the first one, and I liked it, so we watched the second one. The third one was the one that came out in theater…within a year ago? I didn't keep track because I wasn't interested back then. -_-;;
    Oh yes. He and my mum don't care. (Well, my mom didn't care after I used a very specific excuse to let me on. The collage, more specificlly).
    Gah! Why am I always the pedaphile? I should send a video to her right now, but my brothers right behing me and is asking me why I'm using the webcam. Talking would make it more suspicious.
    I dunno about Scyth.
    In fact, I dunno about you.
    All of this talk is purly hypothetical. I have no Idea who you are. You could be some pervert lying about who you are just to get kids. Scratch that, some pedophile looking for kids. |:<
    And something always seems off about Scyth. I can't explain it. It could just be the fact that I don't trust many people, but I dunno.
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