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  • I probably suck cause I've never played against real people. playing against the computer on normal must be alot different than playing w/ a real person ^^;;
    that was aweosome. I dodged ur dragoon strike in that last one! Youre good, though...I lost all of them!
    We probably won't... make up, just start talking again after awile. It's pretty much inevitable.

    And don't get me wrong. I am extremely gracious of (I'm know she's a girl) him for pointing out to me how what I said could be insulting (As harsh as it may have been <_<), which I made clear. But when he calls me a bastard... well, you see, I'm extremely against swear words. Why is it even nessary? Does he even know what it means?
    and whenever i get angry i get all tired.
    so yeah
    my grades are falling too. i did exceptionally well today, though.
    My improv sucks. xD I like time to think about things.

    I know, it's that everyone stares at you and then they all comment on it to you and it's like "Go away!". And even if I'm in the house, I don't practice at full volume unless everyone (sometimes excluding my brother, who doesn't care) is gone.
    That wasn't the point though. It was the fact that she a COLD, not cancer, though I do understand why it would be taken badly.

    And the only real reason I'm mad at him for calling me that is because he said that I was always a bastard, not a bastard in that sitution, or I was being a bastard.

    And Typh and I will be kind of forced to talk to each other again, I mean, we have an ASB match.

    Gah. At least she didn't read itt. I'm editing the post you sent to me as you read.
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